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Hey the three people reading this more sunflower GO FIND CATCH A GLIMMER OF YOUR STAR ITS REALLY GOOD IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT (but you probably have i mean there's like 200K views but still)

Me before I knew he was a boy in headspace: they're pretty ho-
"They're a boy"
Bisexual arc peak /srs why IS BASIL SO HOT

Going home...that was a lie. we go...back into the FIX-IT. God, still seems so weird I'm getting plants from the better version of WAFESAY.
"Hey, little buddy! Let me guess, more-"
"Cacti. The small ones."
"Sure thing."

Basil's garden. Your flowers are still here, tended carefully. He seems to care for them a lot.
What would you like to do?

You put the cacti on the first rack of his flowers. Hopefully...Kel isn't a prick.


I...can talk to him about anything, he says.
There's one thing that's been bothering won't stop.
I don't think I can talk to anyone about it. Maybe Aubrey...I can...try.
"Bzzt...hello?" Aubrey answers the phone.
"Hi, it's Basil."
"Why'd you call? Do you need something?"
"I need to tell you something."
"Why not go ask Sunny? He's your best friend, after all."
"Sunny's a boy...he wouldn't understand."
"Well then, what are you?" She says sarcastically.
"It's about-"
"Crush on someone?" Wait...
"It's really not that secret, you're much happier than before. So...who is it?"

"Well...they're always there for me, and he-" I realize. OH SHIT.
"It doesn't matter if they're a boy or girl. I don't think anyone cares. Kim's gay, too."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah. So...who is it...?"
"...He was here a few minutes ago."
"I makes sense. You're always doing lovey-dovey shit with him, and I saw him lifting up your shirt-"
"It wasn't like that...he was...taking care of the wound I got there because of those boys."
"You know he likes you back, right?"

"Why has he been sending flowers to you every time we visit?"
"How do you know that?"
"He just sent you cacti."
"It's just because all my flowers wilted."
"Then think about this; Sunny almost never smiles, right?"
"What did he do in the hospital?"

"I thought he had a crush on you."
", it was...kind of the other way around..." (SUNNY OUT HERE)
"Not anymore, like four years ago. He likes you, and I can't take him away from you."
"Just...think about that, okay? Next time...try to catch him while he's getting flowers for you. If he gets all flustered...that might be because he likes you."
"...thank you, Aubrey."
"Rest well. Bzzt..."

He...really likes me back?
I better go check the garden.
Your garden. Many of the flower are wilted...however, some of them are still in perfect condition. Cacti are found at the top of my flower rack.
Cacti are very sturdy and resilient plants by nature. They don't need much care and can survive even in seemingly impossible conditions. I guess what I'm saying... is that even you could take care of a cactus, Kel...
God, WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE to me? I don't deserve this, I...killed her.
Why does he forgive me? Hero, Aubrey and Kel wouldn't understand as well as Sunny would.
Sunny's the only one that can understand when I'm venting (haha AMOGUS sorry). Not by words...he just doesn't need words.


I don't know if I can keep doing this...
Basil has been cutting himself more. How do I convince him it's not...what he deserves? I don't want to look at the scars of
You can't think like that, Sunny! You're a boy. What's wrong with you? (Okay then Trans Basil or you learn this thing called ✨BISEXUAL ARC✨) He's just going to be my best friend.
God, he probably thinks I'm so weird...


574 short chapter sorry :(

Wait a second

Asgore: My wife left me and my kids died, I slaughtered 6 innocent children
Babil: My grandma died, both of my parents are dead or went to go get milk and I deal with trauma from killing my best friend's sister
Asgore: At least I have my plants
Babil: At least I have my plants

Sunny X Basil: You Make Everything OkayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora