28. Reveal Pt. 2 (Is it over?)

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Viraj POV~

Today, was the day taara had come back for her pagh fera. Yes, I was a bit hesitant about marrying my bacha into the royal household.

But as she turned up here all the hesitation faded away into the thin air, seeing how happy my bacha is.

And that bright smile on her face as Kunwar Saa dropped her home. And the sadness of leaving Kunwar Saa for the day.

These kids, Totally and madly in love.!

But maybe all this peacefulness was an illusion, because as the dawn went and night arrived, I knew something was wrong.

Something wasn't just clicking in. And I am not someone who goes against his own intuition because, they are mostly right.

Right here, now when I was in my room with Meesha sleeping soundly by my side, I heard it.

The barely there whisper of the moment. If there wasn't for the erect silence I would have missed it.

Slipping the book to the side table and clicking the switch off of the bedside lamp, had the whole room evading with darkness before my eyes could adapt the flashing moonlight.

Placing my foot lightly on the floor, I opened the side table drawer, retrieving my gun.

The midnight light helped made my way as I walk to the door of our room, which I had left ajar before retreating to the bed.

The corridor, flooded with erect silent with nothing to hear. But I know better than to ignore those.

I first checked the doors to our right, finding the kids sleeping peacefully. The door creaked open as I do it.

And continued walking down the hallway. Ready for the suspense of the night to unfold. And release itself upon me.

Just as another creak down the hallway sounded. Near Naintara's room. But it seemed forced. As if on purpose.

I frowned my eyebrows at the moment but continued walking towards Naintara's room.

Whatever it is, I will not let it touch my daughter.

I lean to the side of the wall before peaking my head for a second, looking the other side.

The black figure which leaned close to the wall and fumed through the drawer outside her room, all visible in the mili-second i packed through.

I tightened my grasp into my gun before taking a slow deep breath.

My whole family is here I cannot let them walk deep into the fire of the unknown I don't know about.

How many are they?

Just as a flask of movement from my side had me and shadow, as it turned around to come face to face with Piyush's crazed fire gaze, which only hardened with time.

"Who. Are. You?" Maniac dripped his voice.

Not this kid.

And I moved before Piyush's could fire through the gun locked into the figure's jaw. And awake the whole family, showcasing his true nature.

The nature, I did my everything to keep hidden from this family and all the ones to come.

The figure had his face hidden with black mask but his eyes it reflected the same craziness but for entirely, something else.

"Who are you?" I asked the person who kept his eye contact with piyush as if not affected with the gun pointed to his jaw.

I placed my palm on Piyush's hand, which seemed I could stop him but I know better, I cannot. No one can.

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