The Shredder Strikes Back, Part 2

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April and Tasneem heads for the door of April's apartment, but when April opens it, the entry is crowded with Foot ninja. April screams as she and Tasneem draws back, and Leo slams the door shut with his foot. The Foot burst through the door, but Cheyenne backflips over and kicks them, sending them over the railing and into another group of Foot ninja coming up the stairs. "Ladies and gentlemen, turtles and rats, run, do not walk, to the nearest exit." Mikey sad to them. "Raph, this bus is leaving." Jamey said to him as everyone leaves the place. Raph brings up the rear, holding off Foot ninja as the others head for the staircase.

"Be alert, the shop is our only exit and they know it." Splinter said to them as Mikey pauses on the stairs and he examines the area below with Donnie comes up behind him. "Make yourself useful and scope out the store." Donnie said to him making Mikey swallows audibly. "No problem." Mikey said to them. Mikey makes his way to the bottom of the stairs then he feels a tap on his shoulder making him turn to see Cheyenne was there to help him. Mikey gives her a smile then he opens the door into the store. "It's quiet, maybe too quiet. Always wanted to say that." Mikey said to Cheyenne who opens the door farther, inside the two spots the four Elite Ninja. "Nice hats!" Mikey said to them and Cheyenne slams the door shut and the two runs back to the stairs, where the others are already coming down. "Wrong way, guys." Tasneem said to the two. "Wrong way my foot-- poor choice of words. Major ambush down there!" Mikey said to them. "We don't have a choice; they're pouring in through the windows upstairs." Jamey said to him while Raph battles with Foot ninja in the doorway to April's apartment. 

"Hey! Ugh! What's the story down there?"

The group hears Raph. "There's some seriously mean looking guys down there." Mikey said to him. "Mean looking? Duh." Donnie said to him as he heads down the stairs. "Don, wait!" Mikey yelled as he follows his brother. Donnie bounds through the store's door, his bō at the ready at first he sees no one and ventures farther inside then he spots the Foot Elite. "Nice hats." Donnie said to them then the axe wielding Elite throws his axe at Donnie, who backflips to avoid it and then loses his footing and bangs into a wall as he dodges the flying axe. The axe swirls around like a boomerang and goes back to its owner. "Ow!" Donnie said then he looks up just as an Elite throws a spear directly at his head. "Aah!" Donnie yelled as the spear barely misses his face and sinks into the wall. "Ohh!" Donnie yells as he crawls to the door. "Raphie, we've got trouble down here!" Donnie yells at his brother. "Like I don't got trouble up here!" Raph yelled at him as he was fighting back the Foot Ninjas. The group enters the store, their weapons ready and Splinter enters behind them. "They are Shredder's elite guard. They are the deadliest of his warriors, lethal assassins." Cheyenne said to them as Splinter holds a hand out, stopping April as she and Leo near the bottom of the staircase. "Raph, the guys ran into something bad in the shop!" April yelled. "Hey, I got my hands full up here!" Raph yelled back as Jamey enters the shop while Splinter races up the stairs to join Raph and he punches a Foot ninja. "Go, assist your team. I will protect Leonardo." Splinter said to him, Raph runs down the stairs and leaps over April and Leo. Raph races into the store to join his team and comes to a sliding stop at the sight of the Foot Elite. "Nice hats." Raph said to them. "Yeah, we thought so too." Mikey said to him. "Then maybe after this we will get you boys one each so we can say nice hats." Jamey said to them. "Say what you will about the Foot, but they do not skimp on the headgear." Donnie said to them. April looks at Leo who was trying to open his eyes. "Please...tell me that she is okay..." Leo whisper weakly. "Master Splinter, he's getting worse." April said to Splinter. "We cannot stay here any longer." Splinter said to them as he backs down the stairs, taking out any ninja that come near him. 

Inside April's shop, the turtles prepare to fight. "So we gonna do this or what?" Raph said to them, then the turtles race into action and hold their own. Raph runs at one of them and he kicks them in the face while Jamey runs over to Raph. Jamey runs jumps over Raph and she does a spinning kick in the air hitting two of the ninjas. Cheyenne jumps onto two other ninjas' weapons and Donnie uses his bo and he hits the ninjas away from her. Tasneem throws her weapon at one of them and the weapon wrapped around the ninja then Mikey jumps over and he kicks the ninja in the face a few times.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 12 ⏰

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