Most Hatred Opponents

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Back At The Hideout

It was almost time for the smackdown match, Casey was watching Jamey trying to break off her chain. "Jamey, I gotta ask you something." Casey said to her while Jamey was pulling on her chain. "Sure." Jamey said to him still focused on the chains. "Do a thing for Raph?" Casey asks her making Jamey stop immediately. Jamey's face was going red at the thought of Raph. "Why are you asking this?" Jamey asks him but not looking at Casey. "Well, you two are always together so I thought maybe you like him." Casey said to her. "Then no, I don't like Raph that way. Ew." Jamey said to him while trying to stop her face from turning red. "Alright, it was just a question, no need to get defensive about it." Casey said to her in a teasing tone. "Defensive!" Jamey yelled as she turns to Casey. "I'm not being defensive!" Jamey yelled at him still blushing. Casey chuckled knowing she was lying to him while Jamey playfully punched Casey's arm. "What did Hun mean by traitor?" Casey asks Jamey who doesn't look at him. "You probably won't like what I have to say." Jamey said to him. "Try me." Casey said to her making Jamey look at him. "Okay, but you can't tell the brothers." Jamey said to him. "How bad can it be." Casey said to her with a smile. "Hun referred to me as traitor because I and my sisters were top ninjas until we left and find the brothers and Splinter." Jamey said to him. "Wait, you were a Purple Dragon?" Casey asks her making Jamey look at him. "No, we were ninjas working under someone that Hun follows." Jamey said to him then she looks away from Casey. "Why didn't you guys tell us?" Casey asks her. "Because we weren't sure how you guys would respond." Jamey said to him. "You told me, so I know. I'm not angry at you." Casey said to her making Jamey look at him. "It doesn't matter who you and your sisters were before anymore. Importantly, I never saw you or your sisters as the bad people. You guys are different now, and the only thing that matters is that you guys are battling evil." Casey said to her. "Thanks Casey." Jamey said to him with a smile. "Anytime." Casey said to her.

Back with the others in the Battle Shell, riding through the streets on their way to the arena where Casey and Jamey were. "Okay, I know Casey hung out with some weird dudes, but you guys are off the charts." Angel said to them amused, while she was sitting in the back with Raph, Mikey and Tasneem while Jesse, Leo, Cheyenne and Donnie were in the front. "No way am I going out like this!" Raph said to them while wearing wearing shades, a white hat, a light brown hoody, a black and red jacket, and a pair of white pants. "Tell me people don't really dress this way." Raph said to them. "It's a good look for you, Raph." Mikey said to him while trying not to laugh. "Kind of a hip hop, cat burglar, stormtrooper thing." Tasneem said to Raph making Mikey laugh. "Don't laugh, you two. You're next." Angel said to them and she hands Mikey and Tasneem a set of clothes. "I can't wear this, it clashes with my skin tone." Tasneem said to Angel making Jesse look at her. "Your skin tone is green." Jesse said to her. "Exactly, it's a fashion nightmare." Tasneem said as she pretends to faint into Mikey's arms. Jesse laughs at her little sister then the Battle Shell hits a pot hole in the road making Jesse fall forward. Leo turns around just in time to catch her, Jesse's head landed softly on Leo's chest making him blushed. Jesse looks up at Leo who was holding her close. "You okay?" Leo asks her. "Yeah, thanks to you." Jesse said to him with a smile while Leo felt like he wanted to just hold Jesse forever. "We are here." Cheyenne said making Jesse stand up right making Leo frowned.

Cheyenne parks far away so the Purple Dragons would not see the Battle Shell. The group walks up to the warehouse and Angel looks back at them. "Just be cool, and follow my lead." Angel said to them and she walks through while giving the signal. The turtles show their three fingers and stroll through, each wearing a different outfit to hide that they were turtles and not human. "Good thing it's only a three fingered salute." Mikey whispered to Tasneem. "Yep, if it was a ten fingered salute we will be turtle soup." Tasneem said to him as the group enter the warehouse. "Yeesh, it's we walked into an ugly convention." Mikey said to them while the group goes to the back of the crowd. "Hey, then you must feel right at home, Mikey." Raph said to him teasing his brother. "Knock it off, you guys. I'm trying to blend here." Donnie said to them as he looks around and stands straight with his arms crossed and the the others do the same but Leo and Jesse. "You really wanna look like a Purple Dragon? Try getting your butt kicked by a Ninja Turtle." Raph said to them. "I'm down with that." Mikey said to him and he laughs before fist bumping Raph. Cheyenne tried to lean on the wall but she lost her balance and she ended up leaning on Donnie. Cheyenne blushes and was about to move off him but Donnie puts his arm around her. "Donnie, what are you doing?" Cheyenne whisper to him while Donnie hides his face so Cheyenne can't see him blushing. "Uh...blending in." Donnie said to her not looking at Cheyenne. "As in a couple." Cheyenne said to him. "Yeah." Donnie said to her trying to hide a grin. "Okay, blending in as a couple." Cheyenne said to herself while Jesse was watching the two making her smile. Jesse looks over at Tasneem and Mikey to see Tasneem was hugging Mikey's arm that was normal for the two. Jesse then notices something out of the corner of her eye. Is Leo interested in holding her hand? Leo's hand was getting near to hers. Jesse looks at Leo who pulls his hand away from hers and he looks around. "Okay, guys, take note. We got exits there." Leo said to them whole pointing to his left. "And there." Leo said as he points to his right behind him. "Guards posted around the perimeter. Everyone's pretty heavily armed." Jesse said to them while looking around. "So can we try to avoid a fight?" Leo asks them making the group look at each other blankly. "Yeah. Right. What was I thinking?" Leo asks himself making Jesse laugh a little making Leo look at her. "Yeah, what were you thinking." Jesse said to him with a smile making Leo smile at her. 

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