Hello Cruel World

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In New York

In The Sewers

Turtles walk through tunnels and see broken rocks, walls, pipes, and footprints. "Looks like those things have been through here." Leo said to them as they sees that the walls have been chewed apart. "These walls are seriously compromised. It's lucky this roof hasn't caved in." Donnie said to them as the group turns the corner to see it was blocked. "You were saying?" Raph asks him while looking at the impassible collapsed tunnel. "Can't go forward, can't go back." Leo said to them. "Looks like we go up." Raph said to them and he walks over to the ladder over on the wall. "Hitting the surface is a bad idea." Leo said to Raph making him stop on the ladder. "We've got no other way to go, Leo." Donnie said to him reminding him making Leo sighs. "All right, but we're only going up to go down the next manhole? Got it? No fooling around. Remember what Sensei said, it's dangerous for us to be seen, let alone captured. We need to stay out of sight." Leo said to them. "We got it the first thousand times, Leo. Just follow my lead." Raph said to them impatiently then he climbs the leader. Raph opens the manhole cover and jumps into the shadows then Leo looks around for any danger. "Come on Leo, move it. I don't wanna be staring at your butt any longer than I have to." Mikey said to him. "Shh! Guys!" Donnie said to them as Leo ducked back into the sewer at the sound of an approaching vehicle. Raph jumps onto the light post to avoid people and surveys the street until he sees another manhole across the street. "Ahh, manhole cover, twelve o'clock." Raph said to himself then he leaps down and crosses the street, hiding whenever a car drives by. Raph starts to come out but the truck sends him back into hiding. The truck backs into the alley that Raph was headed for. The truck parks and three people get out and go into the building. Raph runs over and discovers a truck parked on top of the manhole. "Great, just great. The old turtle luck working true to form." Raph said to himself then he kicks the truck in frustration. "Argh!" Raph yells a little after kicking the van. "Way to be stealthy, Raph." Leo said to him from the shadows not too far from Raph. "Yeah, I don't think they heard you over in Jersey." Mikey said teasing Raph. "Give me a hand." Raph said to them, Mikey was about to start clapping but Raph caught him. "Don't even think about it, Mikey." Raph said to him while he wags a finger at him as Leo nods no to Raph about helping him. "Ah, forget you guys, I'll push it myself." Raph said to them and he starts trying to push the truck from the back while his brothers stay in the shadows. Then the drivers of the truck start approaching from inside the building startling him. "Hide, Raph! Come on, hurry!" Leo calls him while Raph looks around and then leaps into the back of the armored truck. "Oh, poor choice, Raphael." Mikey said to himself. "Did you see the way that guy squirmed when we took his cash?" One of the people said to them as they threw bags into the truck. "Sheepman. Sheep to be fleeced by us wolves." The other one said not seeing Raph who was holding onto the ceiling of the truck. Raph didn't get time to escape because one of the guys lock up the door. Raph's brothers watch as the truck pulls out of the alley and passes them. "Aww man, imagine their surprise when they open the back of that truck." Mikey said to his brothers. "This is exactly what Master Splinter was talking about. We've got to get him out of there." Leo said to them. "Last one to the roof hatched from a rotten egg." Donnie said to them as gets onto the rooftop. "We can cut them off at third and first." Leo said to them as the truck go by them. "If we run like crazy." Donnie said to him. "Is there any other way to run?" Mikey asks them as the three leap from roof to roof. "Ha, ha, yeah! You guys are too slow!" Mikey yelled then his brothers leap over his head and pass him. "Hey!" Mikey yelled at them then he leaps off the roof then he grabbed the clothesline. Mikey's head gets caught in the sheet and he lands on the roof on his butt. "Mm, springtime fresh." Mikey said to himself before standing up and he follows his two brothers. "Woohoo!" Mikey yelled as he runs to the edge of the roof and leaped off not seeing that the three were being followed.

In The Sewer

Splinter made it to the meeting place but his sons' was not there. Splinter knees down and he began to meditate but Splinter didn't really get more than 5 minutes of peace because more robots came up through the floor and began to attack him. Splinter fights with his walking stick but one of the bots bits him on the ankle making him yell in pain as he fell to the ground. Another one was about to take a snap at his head until it gets sliced in half. Splinter looks up, expecting to see his sons but instead, he saw two girls but not just ordinary girls but Mutant turtles girls who looked like they knew ninjutsu too. Splinter watches as the girl with the purple mask stabs a robot with her bo staff that had a built-in blade then he looks over at the other one who stabs the robot in the neck shutting it down with her tessens. After the two girls defeated the rest of the robots then the two walked over to Splinter. "Are you alright?" The one with the blue mask asks Splinter. "Yes, I am fine." Splinter said to them then the purple mask girl kneel down beside him. "W-well, I'll at least bandage your ankle." She said to him and she takes out a medical kit from her bag. "My name is Splinter." Splinter said to the two. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Splinter. My name is Jesse, and this is my sister Cheyenne." Jesse said introducing herself and Cheyenne. "H...Hello, you just got a little cut from those robots on your ankle, but it doesn't seem as bad as you got Jess." Cheyenne said talking to Jesse at the last part. Upon looking at Jesse, Splinter noticed that her arm was bandaged. "Are you alone?" Jesse asks him making Splinter snap back into focus. "My four sons live down here with me, they are mutants just like you." Splinter said to them making the two sisters look at each other. "What are you doing here instead of at home?" Cheyenne asks him while the two look back at Splinter. "We lost our home to those robots." Splinter said to them making the two look at each other again before looking back at Splinter. "Well, we found a home." Jesse said to him making Splinter look at her. "We just found it, so maybe we can share it." Jesse said to him. "If...y...you want." Cheyenne said to him while playing with her fingers making Splinter think about it for a moment. "That would be great, now if you wouldn't mind showing me your newly discovered home." Splinter said to them with a cautious tone. "Let us help you up." Jesse said to him as the sisters help Splinter up. While Cheyenne and Jesse took him to the place, Splinter wondered where the sisters were from.

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