2 : Anomaly

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knock knock 

Sylvie someone's there... hide for a bit.

She looked hesitant and clinged to my arm.


I gently dropped Sylvie on the bed and pushed her small body behind a pillow, hiding her from sight. Although my little sister looked like she was about to cry just being away from me, she gave me a cute little reluctant nod.

I felt a little guilty leaving such a cute thing behind even though only for a few seconds. Her yellow reptilian eyes filled with little tears made my heart full of guilt.

Just hang on there little sister I'll be back.”

She nodded back?


“Can you hear my thoughts sister”

She nodded... again?


I looked down on my left arm and the bite earlier became a mark.

A bond mark?

knock knock

Although the one behind the doors seems like in a rush, I looked back at Sylvie and couldn't help but pinch her cheeks.



knock knock knock

Tsk, fine.



“About your request... human-”


The elf king, Alduin got interrupted by Tessia who looked mad about him calling me “human”.

Although I am not, I don't mind being called one, a certain part of me gets annoyed whenever this happen. But this could also be very helpful as even the royalties of this continent can't determine that I am not a human.

“U-uh... I mean Grey. About your request yesterday, we cannot send you to Sapin through a teleportation gate. ”

My brows furrowed at this new.

“But we can send some of our high ranking troops to accompany you. That is the best I can do, not as a king but as a father.”

With this, I came into one conclusion about Alduin Eralith.

He is a bad king.

But he is a great father.

Expending your high ranked troops just to escort a boy that is a part of the enemy race. And letting his emotions affect his actions. These are not a quality a king should have.

“That's fine for me.”

Hearing that, a few of the elven guards in the room secretly sent me a glare as if saying “Watch your language human.”.

Alduin nodded in agreement.

“When do you want to go?”

“I can go right now.”

Surprisingly, it isn't Alduin who reacted first but Tessia.


Everyone except me looked at her direction in shock.

“No! I don't want that!”


This sudden rise in the tone of Alduin made his daughter silent, as well as everyone in the room. It looks like he isn't as bad as I thought.

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