1 : Who is he?

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I headed towards the carriage not minding the blood all around the place.

I needed to change my clothes, even though I didn't have any blood in me because I conjured a wall every time I exploded one of the slave traders , I still need clothing that will make me not stand out too much.

After all, a child wandering around the Elshire forest by himself already screams attention.

I arrived at the back of the carriage where there was an opening. I entered, ignoring the unconscious elf child on the side and rummaged the supplies of the slave traders.

I found a brown coat made with fur, shorts and a shirt that is all too big for my body.

I used wind mana arts to cut the excess part of the clothes and put it together using fire for the fabrics to cling on to each other.

The shirt and shorts looked horrendous but the coat looked fairly decent.

I made my current clothing disappear and quickly changed into my new one.


I looked back to see the little elf crying, her eyes still blind folded and her clothes made out of an old rag.

I didn't answer and grabbed the excess parts of the fur coat and fixed it.

Fortunately, the excess parts of the fur coat that I have cut earlier is enough to make another barely decent coat.

I moved towards the elf child which is shaking in fear, like a mouse stuck in the corner of a wall.


I dropped the fur coat on her shoulders which made her shiver in contact.

She didn't stop shaking in fear, making me think about what I did wrong. Then I realized that I still haven't taken off her blindfold.

I made a step, closing the distance between us and gently placed my hand on the blind fold.

The elf child shivered in contact, her lips pursed producing muffled sounds.

I slowly took off the blind fold and teary turquoise emerald jewels revealed themselves. I took a step back, letting the child adjust her eyesight to the surroundings.

"W-what happened?"

The elf said, her voice small just as to be expected from a child.

"The bad guys run away."

"B-but... I- I heard them screaming."

"Oh... Maybe they screamed because their mana beasts ran away?" I said as I tilted my head playfully to lighten the air around us.

"T-there's beasts?"

It seems that my playful attempt backfired and the child started shaking again to the point that she looks like she's wiggling.

"Yeah but they are gone now... look"

I guided the elf outside the carriage, her turquoise emerald eyes scanned for any anomalies in the surroundings.

"See? I told you"

The forest looked the same as it was before, lush greeneries and tall trees, no blood, organs, and flesh scattered around as if nothing had happened.

I smiled at her but it seems that it didn't portray the message that I wanted to convey.

The smile I produced probably became like a creepy contorted grin as I'm still not used to my own body.

The fact that Agrona sent someone after us just hours after I broke the seal made me blame myself more.

I am the reason why Agrona has found us and that resulted in...

TBATE - Divine CurseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin