𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑. : 001

Start from the beginning

Char went around the room, playing with the kids.

The little girls didn't know it, but the other kids there would soon grow up with her. They would all have their problems, but they would always have each other.

Char went up to another child, a boy.

He had dark brown hair, that stuck up in the air as if he had been electriucted.

"Hey, Darren!" Char said sweetly. The little boy looked to her.

"Hi!" Darren had learned words easily. He wasn't the smartest when it came to anything else. He just happened to develop words early. 

"Can you do me a favor?" Char said, smiling to him. The boy smiled, and stood up, his green T-rex shirt showing more now. He nodded to her, "You see that little girl over there?"

She said, pointing to little Y/N in the chair, sobbing all the water she had in her system out of her eyes, missing her daddy.

Darren nodded. "I think she needs a friend." Darren's smile grew bigger. Darren loves making new friends. he's a very social child, like most. "Do you want to be her friend?"

He nodded roughly, almost flying his head off his neck. "Yes!"

Char motioned for him to go over to her, so he did.

He ran up to the little girl and gave her a great big bear hug. The little boy lived getting hugs when he was sad, so he thought she would too.

She didn't.

Y/N pushed him off, making him fall onto his bottom. He looked back at Char and started tearing up.

Char dashed to the boy, all the other kids- there were about five or six of them- turned their heads, all watching what happened.

Char scooped Darren into her arms, slowly moving his body up and down to calm him.

Char scolded Y/N, making her scream. Just as little Y/N started to scream, with her pink onesie also now soaked, another child, Nick, started crying too.

Now, Char was dealing with three cryers all by herself, and if they kept it up, the rest of them would start crying too.

Just then, a large body walked through the door. The body of a man. A large man.

He was pale, and six feet, maybe a little taller. His shoulders were big, and his legs were long.

He had long curls, covering his forehead, which bounced up and down as he quickly walked to the two toddlers crying.

Char took Darren in one arm and went on to worry about the other boy.

"She misses her dad. She's been crying all day! I can't get her to stop." She said, soothing the boys in her arms.

The man smiled, he couldn't be a day over eighteen. "I got her, Char."

The man smiled, leaning down to the little girls height on the chair.

Her big doe eyes were glossed with her years, her running nose had snot which flew into her mouth but she didn't care, her little pink onesie was soaked on the collar.

She looked up at the man. She took a deep breath into her nose, clearing all the snot away except for some that had already fallen from her button nose.

Her big eyes widened. Seeing his face, her tears stopped.

Her face was puffy and red, the man wiped her tears away. "Hey,"

She looked up at him and grabbed his knee, trying to pull it closer to her. "What's wrong? Why are we crying?"

His voice was soft, and his chocolate brown eyes looked deep into her (color) ones.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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