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My face and entire cheeks stun badly when I started to come to a little bit later.

I was still VERY groggy and could hear someone yelling in the background.

"....UP! GE....P!!...ET U....!!!"

Might as well have been an alien language to my ears as I couldn't decipher or fathom a word being said.

But one thing I WAS hyper-aware of was the insane burning across the entire upper section of my skin.

The pain of which got me quickly sitting up and tanking the sudden hit of vertigo that slammed into me.

How long have I been out cold??


The sheer panic that shot through me had me scrambling up with what meagre energy levels I had left.

If I'd passed out outside my ship when I was closer to the water levels of Titan, that would be perfectly fine. Heck, I slept outside a couple of times even, when I first arrived on this planet to enjoy the scenic beauty of the water long before how now just looking at it gave me existential dread.

BUT NOW I was floating up in the heavily acidic clouds that I shouldn't be exposed to for a MAX of 5 minutes.

Judging by how much my skin burned, I could've been out here for hours.


My ear device glitches and stung my ear severely.

I rip it out as I hobble my way over to the side of my ship.

Thank all the known and unknown stars, I'd left my door slightly open, and I was able to grab onto the ceiling rails and monkey bar swing my way into my ship.

I toss my ear device onto my slightly moist floor, because of course it was, and dragged myself across the floor to lean on my bed.

I try to take a few deep breaths.

"Heh, at least my sinuses are clear and my cold is gone." I morbidly laugh to myself.

I turn around and kick my door closed, then leaned back fully on the side frame of my bed.

"Computer. All systems engage. Filter out acidic cloud particles."

"FiL-tErrrrrrr-" The computer speaker spazzs out as I cover my ear from the sharp and violent mechanical screams.

Uuuurgh, that's not good.

Practically dunking my ship in all that water must've gotten into places it wasn't supposed to and fried some very important wires.

No use dwelling on what's broken.

I'll fix what I can and celebrate the fact that I'm still alive to breathe air.

Not wanting to get up and move anytime soon, I issue an oral command for my ship to switch to a visual alarm and write out any important information regarding the ship's technical health from here on out. And to make sure to make a loud beep to gain my attention whenever it did so.

Seeing as my ship's speakers were fried, I made sure to immediately switch to visual communication, so as not to be caught off guard by the inevitable next emergency.

Next emergency.....

Am I seriously going to stick around on this planet for the next shit to hit the fan??

All for a promise of....what! Exactly???

I don't even remember what Leo had told me to convince me to stay.

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