Chapter 17 Samuel POV

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"... you have a nice voice."

".. I thought we agreed to not talk about it?"

I let out a breathy chuckle and shake my head, feeling amused that she didn't want to show this side of her. Her cheeks are tinted slightly red, probably from embarrassment and from the singing she did.

I listen to the rain droplets on the windows since it had started to rain which is quite unfortunate since it was a lovely day before. I glance at her with a warm smile and shake my head at her comment.

"That's not true officer Bennett .. you asked me or more like demanded that I saw nothing.. I sure heard a beautiful voice singing a song."

Her cheeks turn pinker and her grip on the steering wheel tightens, making me smile as my words had an effect on her.

Aww she is embarrassed that I caught her singing in her car. How adorable. And she looks so cute with her cheeks pink.

I pull the window down to stick my hand out and let the raindrops drop on my hand. Officer Bennett glances over at me hesitantly and opens and closes her mouth couple of times before seconding to speak.

".. Mister Walker .. do you actually believe that I have a good singing voice?" She asks in a hushed voice with a hint of actual curiosity, making turn to look at her with a surprised expression. It has bees a while since another person actually cared for my opinion.

It has mostly been Carl, Molly, Evie and lily. Occasionally ma as well but that's rarely since she believes that she knows better and what's best for my life. Or more accurately about my love life.

She has been trying to set me up with all of her friends daughters ever since I broke up with my ex. I have told her countless times that I don't want to be in a relationship right not and certainly not one of her friends daughters.

I can find my own girlfriend on my own thank you very much.

Although I do get it that she only wants what's best for me, sometimes it seems like she would rather save face for our extended family and her church group rather than actually value my opinion.

I shake those thoughts off, deciding to think about the later rather then now since I'm with officer Bennett. "Umm well yea .. your voice is quite beautiful. Well of course I wouldn't say as beautiful as some of the best singers but you know .. still great and a joy to listen to." I flash her a warm smile and tilt my head. Her response to this is silence as she looks away from me and back to the road, making me slightly sulky.

I don't know why but I want to have her attention on me. Hmm maybe because I'm used to mostly women doting on me? Yea maybe.

My whole life people, mostly women, always said that I was a very handsome lad and that I would break a lot of hearts. I didn't like the thought of breaking women's hearts. Why would I do that? No one's heart should be broken. When I was ten years old, I vowed that I wouldn't break anyone's heart. No matter what.

That did kinda bite me in the ass since most of my girlfriends did think that I was 'too nice' to others and that I would cheat on them. That thought always horrified me. I never wanted or want to chat on my future partner. The foundation of a relationship is loyalty, love and respect to me and I would never violate them.

I was always so hurt that they would think that. Me. That I would cheat on them without a care. It was never my intention to make it seem like I was interested in other women while dating them. Guess I have to work on that.

".. thank you mister Walker.. it's very kind of you to say that." Her voice comes out quite but there is something so warm about even tho it's so distant and cold. Makes my stomach flutter. A small giggle escapes my mouth as I nod my head and my eyes linger on her lips.

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