Chapter 14 Briella POV

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How did I end up here?

I think to myself as I sit in my car and drive Mister Walker to his doctors appointment. On Thursday. Two pm. On my day off.

Two hours ago

Sitting on this couch and relaxing is the best.

I think to myself as I shuffle through some shows on Netflix and eat some Chinese takeout since I was too lazy to cook something.

Hmm Big Bang theory? Nah I don't feel like it. Kim's Convenient store? Nope I just finished watching it last week, no mood to rewatch it now. Young Sheldon? If I don't feel like watching adult Sheldon than I definitely don't want to watch kid Sheldon.

I smile softly as I put on Brooklyn 99. I giddily get comfortable on my couch as Jake Peralta's narration starts and stuff my mouth with Chinese food.

I was enjoying my food when my started ringing. I pick it up and answer it in the calmest voice I can since I didn't recognise the number.

"Hello? This is officer Briella Bennett speaking. Who may this be?" A familiar voice speaks on the other line that I didn't think I would ever hear. At least not two days after meeting him. "Oh hello there officer Bennett. This is Samuel Walker and you gave me your card and told me to call you if I ever needed assistance.. umm well I'm kinda in a pickle."

My eyebrows raise as I sit up on my couch, brushing crumbs off my mouth and hoodie. "Oh mister Walker. It's a .. surprise to hear from you. Yes of course. How may I help you?" My voice is slightly shaky since I didn't expect for him to actually ask me for help.

Mister Walker chuckles nervously and starts to speak in a calming voice that radiates warmth. "Thank you so much Officer Bennett. I need to go to the hospital because of my leg and I have a doctors appointment. Would it be alright with you if you drove me there? Everyone I know is busy and Evie can't drive me since she doesn't have a license"

I stop to think for a moment as I couldn't quite pin point who Evie was until it hit me. His little sister Evangeline. "Oh okay ... umm sure I'll drive you. When?"


Oh that's how. Shouldn't have answered that damn phone.

I let out a quiet groan and glance at mister Walker as he looks out the window with a bright smile, humming softly to himself. My eyes dart back to the road as I start to feel weird looking at him without a reason.

Few minutes go by as we sit in silence and only things heard are our breathing, the car and his soft hums. And for the better or worse, I decide to open my mouth and speak.

"Would you like to put on some music? You seem like music since you have been humming to yourself the whole time."

Mister Walker looks over me with a shocked voice and chuckles nervously. "I have been? I'm sorry. I'll stop if it bothers you and no we don't have to put on music". He says in a soft voice that makes me feel all warm and fluttery on the inside.

Is making people feel happy this guys power? Geez.

I think to myself as I clear my throat and shake my head. "No it's okay. I don't mind you humming and if you would like than we can put music on. It doesn't bother me".

Mister Walker flashes me a grateful, closed eyes smile. "Thank you officer Bennett. May I connect my phone to your car. Which is a very nice car but I have no idea what brand. Never been a car guy".

That smile makes my heart do drums and my stomach do flips. "Umm sure .. and I have no idea about cars either. I just bought what my boss recommended for me". Mister Walker hums in response and connects his phone to my car. He starts to play a song and my head snaps towards him when I immediately realise what song this is.



"... are you playing ... 'I'll make a man out of you' from Mulan?" I ask softly, sorta in shock that he would listen to this song and would choose to play it with me around. Mister Walker looks at me with slightly red cheeks and nods his head with a small smile.

"Yea. it's a masterpiece.. is there .. something you wrong with it?" I shake my head and turn my head away, hiding my small smile.

"No of course not mister Walker. I agree .. it's a great song. Too bad the live action wasn't a musical.. or that it didn't have any emotions or Chen"

Mister walkers eyes light up and turn his head to look at me with an excited smile. "You like Mulan? I love it. It's one of my favourite animated movies .. also princess and the frog too." He said in a voice that radiates warmth and happiness.

I bite the inside of my cheek, trying not to laugh and act unprofessional. "I agree .. I love Tiana as well.. she is my favourite since she seems like the most realistic one." I mumble quietly as the song plays and drive towards the hospital.

Mister Walker slumps in the seat and pouts his lips slightly. "Yea .. they don't make them as they used to. Good I hate the movie 'Raya and the last dragon'. It's so boring and the message is botched". My eyes widen slightly as I glance over at him.

"Huh? You think that.. message about the trust is botched. How so?" I ask in a curious voice as I agree as well.

They made Raya too trusting and forgiving. She shouldn't have forgiven nemora or whatever the second girls name is.

Mister Walker smiles and nods his head. "Yea.. the message should be about not forgiving someone easily and to not to trust anyone that easily but they did quite the opposite." He speaks with such childlike passion. It's just .. cute?

Damn. Bridget was right. He is cute.

I think to myself as I fight against the urge to smile at him. I nod my head and look at the road in front of me.

"I agree mister Walker. How does your leg feel? And how is Evangeline doing? Is she feeling better?"

Mister Walkers eyes widen slightly and he nods his head with a sad smile, which clenches my heart. "My leg is fine and yea Evie is doing good. Look officer Bennett. Evie is very sorry for she said to you. She didn—" I raise my hand to stop him from talking and shake my head.

"It's quite alright mister Walker. I don't care and I don't hold it against your sister. And also we are here. Please get out and I'll wait for you here. I'll drive you back to your place."

I say in a cold voice and stop the car in front of the hospital entrance. His eyes widen slightly and he nods his head with a defeated expression.

"Okay .. thank you again and I'll see you later Officer Bennett ." He mumbles in a soft voice and gets out of my car, wobbling over to the entrance of the hospital.


I groan as I turn my car engine off after parking it and rest my head on my steering wheel.

Damn why did I have to be so rude? Couldn't I have just accepted the apology and moved on with it? And what's with me and cutting him off with a raised hand. I'm not a teacher or anything.

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