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Angel ran up the stairs, stomping causing the floor to shake and vibrate with every step. Usually, when he was upset or came home crying he tried not to be seen, but right now he didn't care. the one person in this hotel whom he would open up to and see as a comfort to him just yelled no, he screamed in his face for trying to help.

That wasn't so much the issue though, as they'd gotten into arguments before, it just reminded the spider demon of the stupid fucking moth.

As Angel reached his room he opened his door and slipped through it before inevitably slamming it out of frustration. He fell on his bed and let the tears slip as he thought. It wasn't the fight that annoyed Angel, it was the fact that no matter how close or open he seemed to be getting with Husk, the cat demon just didn't want to open up as well, which diminished the trust in the relationship. 

'why do I do this to myself?' Angel muttered. He knew he loved Husk, and that wasn't a problem, he hid stuff from Val before, and there was not much Val could do about it since it wasn't in their contract that Anthony couldn't date, or have a crush. He could beat the shit out of Angel if he ever found out, but the moth did that to the spider every other day anyways. The irony is that the moth now controls the spider, and not the other way around like in nature, like how it's supposed to be...

As Angel continuously blamed himself for falling for a fucking cat, the best comfort he could imagine came and nuzzled himself underneath angels hand, oinking as he tried to get comfortable. At least Angel had somebody.

While Angel had his comfort, Husk sat alone, wishing death upon hell as he beat himself up for lashing out at Angel. It wasn't fair how moody he could be, and it wasn't fair that Husk took all his emotions out on the tall demon who was just trying to be helpful, but Husk didn't know what to do. He hasn't needed anyone to be there for him for years, and he wasn't sure how to trust someone with his vulnerability, last time he did... it didn't end well.

Husk stood up from the crate he was sitting on, drying the tears in his eyes. He decided to say fuck it and let someone in, Angels different, Angels... special. There was something other than a friend wanting to be there for another friend. Husk wasn't stupid, he knew there was some sort of chemistry between him and Angel, he just never really got it through his thick skull Angel wanted more than a fuck. Even if that wasn't the case he never thought he would be good enough for him. Husk was an alcoholic, with trauma, and an intense past, and couldn't open up for the fucking life of him, but it's hell who does have issues.

As Husk stood there, with red eyes, he grabbed a bottle of booze where he downed it all in one gulp. Might as well have some confidence before going up to apologize for the first time in who knows how long. Husk waltzed his way out of the secret storage room, going right past the bar and right past Vaggie who most likely heard everything, sipping on the vodka bottle feeling slightly guilty for enjoying the show.

As the cat reached Angel's door, he started thinking how bad of an idea it was, how stupid he would have to be to think Angel would accept his apology.

"No backing out now." husk muttered, closing his eyes tight as he forced his fist to knock lightly on the door.

No answer

This time Husk just decided to walk right through the door just in case Angel was asleep. As Husk peeked through the door, to his avail, the boy was asleep with his pig in his arms, happily snoring. Just the sight of seeing his favorite spider peacefully forced a small grin on the grumpy cat's face.

"Husk?" Angel muttered, lifting his head, and fluttering his eyes open as he woke from his nap.

"Oh sorry Angel, I didn't mean to wake you, I just wanted to talk. Y'know about earlier." Husk explained, closing Angel's door behind him. Angel sat up hearing this shuffling his tiny pet pig into his lap, careful not to awaken the pink creature.

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