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Angel opened his eyes, trying to ignore the constant beeping of his alarm supplied in every room by Charlie. The minute Angel was actually conscious, was the minute he started thinking about the stupid short little bartender that lived in his head rent free. Angel took a good 5 minutes sitting in his bed, replaying his moment with husk from the night before, wondering if he's just delusional or if there's a chance husks feelings could be the same. Coming to the conclusion he's delusional and crazy for thinking that someone as handsome as husk could love a slut like Angel, but that doesn't mean he's gonna ignore husk, ofcourse he's still the first person he goes to when he wakes up.

Angels feet reached the ground after hovering over the side of his bed while he checked his phone, noticing a text from Valentino saying to not come into work today. Joy filled Angel as he jumped up to his feet happily getting ready to do nothing but hang out with husk all day! Angel ran to his bathroom, brushing his teeth, showering, makeup, all the stuff to make him look his best for the cat.

After Angel felt pretty enough in his white and pink stripped suit and as much foundation possible on his face to cover the black eye, he waltzed downstairs to meet a grumpy old man. Just like he thought the cat was behind the bar, drinking whisky waiting for something fun to happen.
"Heya whiskers" Angel flirted as he sat on a bar stool

"Ah my favourite customer, want the normal?" Husk asked as he turned away, not even needing an answer. 'Favourite customer' Angel thought. Husk really has a way of feeding his 'delusions'

Husk placed the tall martini glass with pink liquor in front of Angel as Vaggie came over.

"Get me a fucking shot, vodka." Vaggie groaned. Pinching the bridge of her nose and sliding on the bar stool. Angel just looked at her with a shocked look as husk had no questions as to why the girl who only came to the bar for a drink was the night before the big fight against the exorcists.

"Here ya go." Husk slid the shot over while keeping the vodka bottle out
"By the look on your face won't be the first huh?" Husk grumbled, not a care in the world except for the fact he had to refill his boys martini glass, which seemed to have emptied in the void when he turned around.

"Yea it's already been a long day." Vaggie paused to check the time, "and it's only 10am, perfect." Vaggie downed the shot making a disgusted face as she helped herself to another.

"What's going on vagina? Never seen you like this before." Angel asked, wanting all the drama he could get, making his day off entertaining. After the question he looked over to see his glass refilled, looking over at husk who was already staring at him with a smile, his way of saying 'you're welcome'.

"Just people getting on my nerves like why the fuck ask for my advice if you're not gonna take it y'know?" Vaggie huffed, shooting a glance at husk who only retaliated with a death stare. (If your confused look at A/N at the bottom!)

"Maybe cause your advice is stupid and you don't know what you're talking about." Husk growled back, grabbing his bottle of whisky and chugging it until he couldn't breathe.

"Ok what the fuck is going on?" Angel asked only to be met with a mad husk mumbeling nothing under his breath and walking away for the 'bathroom' taking the whiskey with him.

As Angel looked to Vaggie, he noticed her helping herself to another shot.

"Wow there lesbo, might wanna calm down, you don't usually drink." Angel said, concerned.
"What's even going on with you, I need details" Angel leaned in, waiting for all the gossip.

Vaggie pushed the bottle away as she made a disgusted face from the taste of the vodka. Vaggie sighed, not wanting to tell Angel what was happening, but thought it could help the situation if he caught on.
"So there's these two friends of mine who are obviously in love and everyone can tell except them, and so one of them came to me asking what to do about his feelings, and ofcourse I told him to shoot his shot because the other guy obviously felt the same way, but he just shot it down." Vaggie said passionately, as if the fate of the hotel depended on these two getting together.

"Oh..." Angel replied with, maybe he's so blind to see vaggie was talking about him and husk? Maybe he should talk to him about it later, but for now he just needed to finish his drink and get another so he could think more. So he did exactly that as vaggie just stared at him. Walking behind the bar, he looked over to the a door normally closed, open. Ofcourse this intrigued Angel, so he put away the bottle of liquor he was holding and walked through the door. No one was in the room, the only things in the room was liquor bottles for when the bar ran out and another closed door. As Angel was about to walk away he heard muffled talking through the closed door.
Angel being the rat he is, he decided to eaves drop, barely making out the voices of Alastor and husk.

"Now now husker, what seems to be the issue?"
"Nothing freak, I don't even know why you followed me in here."
"Husker, what did we say about your attitude issue, you really need to learn your manners."
"Yea whatever."
"Now husker, I can tell when one of my souls have a weight on them, and you my friend, have a huge weight on yours. So tell me, what is it?"
"None of your fucking business Al"
Angel backed away as it sounded like husk was getting closer, expecting him to come through the door any second, only to be met with the sound of a chain on the other side.

"Husker, what did we say about your fucking attitude good man?" Alastors voice started getting deeper and stronger as the door rattled and the sound of a chain and radio static filled the room beside Angel.

"Don't you dare ever walk away from me again. Don't you dare even think about talking back. Understand?"
"Yes sir."
"Good man." The daemon said as his voice went back to normal and the sound of a demon moving through the walls filled angels ears as the chain noises disappeared. Angel decided to walk through the door slowly, as his eyes met with an another pair of eyes that belonged to a demon shaking on the floor.

"Holy shit husky are you ok!?" Angel went running to husk, kneeling down beside where he layed.

"Y-yea I'm fuckin fine.." husk stuttered, still shaking as he stood up.

"No the fuck your not? What was that all about? Want me to go get Charlie or something??" Angel panicked as he moved closer to husk, grabbing his hands, which husk ripped his hands away, denying any touch.

"No just, get the fuck out of here Angel." Husk said, turning around and facing the wall, away from Angel.

"What the fuck? No why husky? Clearly your not ok your still fucking shaking." Angel protested. Angel grabbed husks shoulder in an attempt to turn him so the two demons face.
Husk snapped, smacking his hand away and sharply turning around.

"DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE." Husk yelled, hoping Angel would get the hint he wanted to be alone.

"Husk..? What..? I just want to help you husk.." Angel said, tears forming in his eyes as he backed away from the cat demon, who continued to inch closer.

"CANT YOU SEE I DON'T FUCKING NEED YOUR HELP? I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF JUST LIKE I ALWAYS HAVE. I DON'T NEED YOU COMING IN HERE, MAKING EVERYTHING WORSE AND MAKING ME QUESTION LO-.. just stuff." Husk shouted, before he could realize what he was saying, or even doing. Seeing the fear and tears in angels eyes made him realize what just happened. Alastor had bitched to him so he bitched to Angel, who didn't deserve it, while husker did.

"Fuck.. I'm sorry." Husk apologized looking at his feet, but by the time he could look up Angel had sprinted out of the room, sobbing. What the fuck did he just do?

Next chapter will be shorter because it's going to be husks POV of just the morning to explain all the unexplained stuff! Thank you for reading!!

(1467 words)

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