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(Husks POV of the morning in chapter 2)

Husk grumbled as his stupidly early alarm went off, which was set to go off earlier than anyone else's because Alastor just had to insist on him waking up at 6am to open the bar.

As husk slid off his bed and went to get changed in his walk in closet, all the memories of last night replayed in his mind, over and over again.
"Fuck" husk muttered, knowing he had a crush on Angel, but the problem wasn't that he had a crush on Angel, it's that he had a crush on Angel, love had never been great for him in the past and he couldn't go through a heartbreak again.
All he could think about as he showerd and brushed his teeth is if there was any way to get over the spider who would never like him back anyways, but as his mind went blank of ways, he decided it would be best to talk to someone about it. Whoever came downstairs first would be his victim.

The cat shuffled his feet across the cold floor of the hallway, down the stairs, and to the bar to start cleaning the table and some glasses. But he couldn't do all that before he drank his bottle of whisky for the morning. As husker slammed the bottle on the counter that was full two minutes ago, now not a drop remained, he watched as a familiar hotel guest walked down the stairs.
'Welcome back folks to the game of... who's.. your.. therapist!' Husk thought, chuckling to himself. He definitely got more comfortable at the hotel, knowing he felt a bit better about sharing his emotions.

It turned out to be vaggie, which basically was the best option as Charlie would accidentally tell everyone and give it away, Nifty would purposely tell everyone and give it away, he didn't even wanna think about Alastor, obviously Angels a no go, and well, Pentious... he will never be forgotten.

"Morning husk." Vaggie said walking past him to the couch.

"Uh yea hey Vaggie, can I talk to you?" Husk asked. 'Why the fuck am I doing this' he thought to himself as Vaggie walked over.

"What's up?" Vaggie asked as she sat on a stool.

"So I kinda have a crush on someone, I think, and I just need to know how to get over it is all." Husk asked while he grabbed a dirty glass to clean.

"Oh yea Angel? Just ask him out." Vaggie said, picking at her nails as if she couldn't be more bored.

"WHAT? How did you know!?" Husk proclaimed, shocked because he didn't think it was obvious.

"Are you kidding me husk? It's easier to tell you and Angel are in love than it is to tell that you're an alcoholic." Vaggie chuckled.

"What the fuck? You think he likes me to?" Husk started to get his hopes up saying that sentence, but only for a split second. He then remembered all his past experiences with love before, and how everyone had left him in the dirt while they lived their lives away from husk.

"Yes dumbass just ask him out." Vaggie smiled

"No. Just tell me how to get over it." Husk grumbled, having all his hopes and dreams of being with the only person that makes him genuinely laugh wash away.

"What are you on about cat? He likes you it's so easy to tell." Vaggie frowned.

"You're not fucking helping just tell me how to get over it."

"You're such a fucking asshole just ask him out."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Husk rolled his eyes.

"Fine then. Don't take my advice and see what happens." Vaggie stormed into the kitchen to start making food, she angry cooks.

Husk just stood there chugging another bottle of whisky, thinking about his past, and how his wife left him, how everyone he has ever been with told him how unlovable he is, thinking about his countless past friends telling him how useless and how much of a failure he is. He even failed to be an overlord. What a fucking loser.
After about two hours of attempting to numb the pain with alcohol, and failing, while thinking about what the fuck to do about Angel, he finally came to a conclusion. Just distance himself, forget about those stupid feelings, and make sure Angel gets the hint to stay away from him. Especially if it's when husk has one of his daily secret mental breakdowns, there's no way Angel can be there for him then because Husk will just get to dependent on Angel, which is the last thing he needs right now.

Husks thoughts were interrupted by the clicking of angels boots coming down the stairs, he must have no work today.
All his thoughts of distancing himself from Angel started to seem stupid as the spiders perfect face and a smile more beautiful than the view of hell at night was sitting right in front of him.

He really is in hell.

We all know what happened after! Sorry it's so much shorter than the other ones but I didn't feel like re wrighting the part I already wrote 😭😭 I hope you enjoy the story so far!

(886 words)

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