The Fight

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Lucy's POV
the next morning I woke up and got ready for work. I also got Daisy ready for school and made her breakfast. I loaded everything into my car before driving her to preschool.
Daisy: Bye mama!
Lucy: bye princess
I kissed her cheek and let her walk to her classroom. I headed back to my car and drove to the station. I saw Tim
Lucy: good morning
Tim: good morning
Lucy: how'd you sleep?
Tim: good, what about you
Lucy: really good actually, being in the apartment is already better. I think i might redecorate though, Daisy wants a room makeover so it's not a bad idea
Tim: sounds fun, i'm happy to help
Lucy: great
Tim: hey, I need to tell you something
Lucy: yeah?
Tim: I need to talk to Grey about us
Lucy: yeah, the whole chain of command thing
Tim: There's a week left of training ok, after that i'll tell him. I want to be the one to finish it with you
Lucy: aww, thanks
Tim: so, for the next week, let's not tell anyone about us
Lucy: sounds like a plan
Tim: alright, see you in a few
we parted ways and I went to the changing room and got in uniform before sitting down in roll call
Grey: alright, settle down. Today is going to be simple for all of you. Night shift left no open cases and you're almost done with your training rookies. You're in the home stretch, don't screw this up. Chen, hang back a minute, you all are dismissed.
All the officers dispersed and Tim waited outside, i walked up to Grey
Lucy: Yes sir?
Grey: how's everything going? I heard you're back at your apartment and everything
Lucy: good, thanks for asking
Grey: and Daisy?
Lucy: she's adjusted really well and hopefully with her young age, won't remeber most of this
Grey: and what about therapy? not for caleb but for mark?
Lucy: i don't really think I need it, I now know the healthy parts of a relationship, how to leave, and that my daughter comes above everything.
Grey: Chen, please just see the department shrink before I make it mandated
Lucy: yes sir
Grey: alright, thank you, you're dismissed
I nodded and left the room
Tim: if you don't mind me asking, what was all that about?
Lucy: Grey wants me to see the department shrink
Tim: that wouldn't be so bad
Lucy: but I don't need it, i'm fine
Tim: lucy, sometimes we push things down and don't talk about them, it's good to talk sometimes
Lucy: what about the tim that's all "i don't need anybody, i'm tim bradford, thick skinned and super cop"
i said in a mocking tone
Tim: even I think sometimes we should talk about our feelings
Lucy: you are such a hypocrite! you literally made fun of me the first day because my parents were therapists!
Tim: that was because you joined as an act of disobedience! not many officers like that turn out to be good cops!
Lucy: you know what, let's get in our shop before we cause a scene
I said looking around realizing how many officers eyes were on us
Tim: sounds like a plan
he said in an angry tone, we grabbed our war bags in an angry silence and got in our shop. he started to drive
Tim: Lucy, you're a good cop, but even good cops need therapy
Lucy: you're a great cop and you never went to therapy
Tim: I don't have trauma
Lucy: for heavens sake Tim! Your dad would beat you up!
Tim: that's not as bad as you! you got kidnapped by a serial killer and abused! for multiple years by someone you thought you could trust! all while raising a toddler! my dad, sure he would beat me up, but I never trusted him, he was an alcoholic, but I had my mom and when she wasn't around, it was me and Genny!
Lucy: that's basically equivalent! you also were basically abandoned by isabel, i don't like bringing that up, and I know you don't either, but that really affects people Tim! Hell, it would affect anyone!
Tim: I get you're mad lucy, but therapy isn't that bad!
Lucy: then why don't you go to it!?! you probably have some form of trust issues!
Tim: so do you!
Lucy: so if I need to go to therapy for that, why don't you?!?
Tim: I see your point here, lucy, but your stuff happened way more recent than mine!
Lucy: because you just push it all down and then tell me not to!
Tim: because I care about you and don't want you to end up like me!
Lucy: but you're amazing!
Tim: not when it comes to my emotions, and you know that!
Lucy: look Tim, i'm sorry for yelling, but if I have to go to therapy, why don't you if it's for the same things
Tim: i- because I dealt with my past
Lucy: how?
Tim: i- well- i don't really know, i just moved on
Lucy: that's what i'm trying to do, and talking to a shrink about it won't help
Tim: let me cut you a deal, i'll go to therapy once a week if you go
Lucy: really?
Tim: really. do we have a deal?
Lucy: deal
Tim: ok then, and i'm sorry
Lucy: i'm sorry too
Tim: alright let's focus on patrol again
we continued our shift and drive around before lunch. usually, i sit with jackson and john and he sits with angela and nyla but today we sat at our own table. angela walked past us
Angela: what's going on over here? some private party?
Tim: just talking to my boot
Angel: about?...
Tim: aren't you nosy
Angela: just bored
Lucy: just about Daisy and stuff
Angela: how is she?
Lucy: she's doing really good, and readjusting surprisingly well
Angela: that's good to hear, what about you?
Lucy: i'm fine
Angela: anything else?
Lucy: nope, just glad to be away from mark, but dreading his trial
Angela: i hear you, when is that again? i want to make sure i have the date right on wesley and I's calendar
Lucy: two days
Angela: perfect
Lucy: yeah, just glad to get that over
Angela: i get it, well i let you two lovebirds be
Lucy: lovebirds?!
Angela: got a ring to it right?
Tim: that's is completely unprofessional Angela
Angela: but yet so true
Lucy and Tim: Angela!
Angela: alright, alright, bye now
she walked off to where she was sitting with Nyla
Lucy: how is she so good at reading people?
Tim: no clue, but we can't let her know that for another week
Lucy: yup, ok let's get back out there
Tim: eager to finish patrol with me so soon?
Lucy: no, just want to take in every minute i can
Tim: thanks
we smiled at each other since we couldn't do anything else on duty and got back into our shop and patrolled

Authors note:
sorry for a short chapter and not posting a new part in a while, i've just been busy the past few weeks and don't really know how to continue the story. Ive also lost a lot of motivation to write but will try to find a good ending to this story!

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