The Date & Promise

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Lucy's POV
The next morning I woke up in Tim's arms. All felt right, but, tonight I'm headed back to the apartment.
Lucy: Tim? You awake?
Tim: yeah
Lucy: Tonight's the night i'm going home
Tim: so soon?
Lucy: funny, so soon? it's been weeks
Tim: true, do you want any help?
Lucy: yeah, if you don't mind
Tim: of course, now let's get ready.
We want to work and patrolled as usual. The day seemed t go by quick. We arrived back at Tim's place and I started to pack my bag. I also packed Daisy's and Tim helped me with everything.
Tim: want some dinner before we go?
Lucy: that sounds nice
Tim and I cooked while Daisy played with some toys we're leaving here for her when we visit.
Tim: Daisy, Dinners ready
Daisy: yay! thank you Tim!
Tim; you're welcome, and what about your mama?
Daisy: thank you mama!
Lucy: your welcome, now let's wash up
I washed Daisy's hands before returning to set the table. Tim and I cleaned up as we went a there was a small mess. We made stuffed peppers. Daisy loved them, they tasted delicious.
Lucy: this is amazing Tim, thank you so much
Tim: hey, you helped, thank you
I smiled and we cleaned up the remaining mess and dishes. I washed Dais up and we loaded everything into Tim's truck and my car. We arrived at my apartment.
Tim: you sure you're ready
Lucy: yup
I opened the door and things were messy. There were beer bottles everywhere, two holes in the wall, and garbage everywhere. Tim and I speed cleaned while fixing up Daisy's bed and unpacking. We finished around 30 minutes later. The holes were still there
Tim: I will come by and fix those up on my day off
Lucy: you might need some help from John
Tim: fine, only because he used to be in construction
Lucy: ok, now Daisy off to bed for you
I was flooded with all different emotions but Tim being there helped
We tucked Daisy in and headed out
Tim: It's a really nice place you've got here
Lucy: thanks, I just wish you would've seen it in better circumstances.
Tim: it's fine, it really looks great though
Lucy: yeah, I couldn't have down it with out you
Tim: you're great at lots of things, I wound t out i past you. But, thanks
we sat down on the couch for a while when it started to get late.
Lucy: you should head home, we have work tomorrow anyway. I'm going to fall asleep in your
Tim: yeah, call or text me if you need anything. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight.
I kiss him goodnight
Lucy: bye, see you tomorrow
I locked the door behind him and took the whole apartment in. It was quiet without Mark there. Strange, even. I laid down in my bed after changing the sheets. The fact Mark had slept in those disgusted me. I finally went to bed after an hour of just laying there.
The next morning I did me and Daisy's old morning routine before Tim.
Dais: where Tim go?
Lucy: he's at his home princess
Wish: why no Tim with us?
Lucy: mama and Tim don't live together Dais He won't be here all the time.
Daisy: no Tim?
Lucy: no Tim Dais, but we can face time him tonight if you want
Daisy: yay!
Lucy: ok then, let's get you ready for preschool.
I got Daisy and I dressed before packing hence and many her some toaster waffles. I packed both of us up and headed to her preschool. I the headed to the station. I walked in and go changed in the locker room.
Angela: He Lucy!
Lucy: Hey angel, how is everything?
Angela: good, what about you?
Lucy: same here
Angela: you looks so happy recently, good for you
Lucy: thanks
Angela: does this by chance have anything to do with, i don't know, a certain someone?
Lucy: who?
Angel: hmm, maybe a, Tim Bradford
Lucy: Angela! no, he's my boss!
Angela: not my question
Lucy: no, that would lead to a world of issues for the big of us
little does she know everything that happened. But I don't even know what we are. I mean, we kiss, we slept in the same bed when I was there, we said we loved each other, but what does that make us? he is my boss so... what now?
Angela: if you say so... but I totally see it Lucy
I laughed at her
Lucy: c'com, we're gonna be late roll call
We walked into roll call and I took my seat up front while she sat by Tim and Nyla. Grey gave his normal roll call speech and we headed out on patrol. I grabbed the war bags first and then hopped in the passenger seat.
Tim: you ready?
Lucy: yup!
Tim: ok let's go
we pulled out of the station and it was a bit of an awkward silence
Lucy: so, what's new with you?
Tim: i saw you yesterday, not much happened. What about you? the first night back in apartment?
Lucy: It was kind of scary at first to be honest. but then i realized, Mark is gone for now. His trial is coming up though..
Tim: and there is no way in hell that bastard will get free, i will make sure of it if I have to
Lucy: thanks, but we both know that's not how it works
Tim: yeah, but, Daisy and you will be safe no matter what. That is one thing I can make sure of
Lucy: Thanks
Tim: no problem, boot
I smiled at him and we took a call of a domestic violence. A girl called the police on her boyfriend, she said he was mad, hit her, and had a gun.
Tim: cover the east wall, then we'll scope out the back
Lucy: do we know how many people are inside?
Tim: supposedly just her and her boyfriend, that's the only people she identified
Lucy: ok
We knocked on the door first after seeing that there was only two people inside from what we could see. He was holding the gun searching the house so we knocked to hopefully get him away from her. He opened the door tucking the gun in his belt trying to be slick.
Man: can I help you officers?
Tim: actually, yeah. We got a call here, a disturbance.
Man: that's weird, i don't remember calling
Tim: is anyone else here with you?
Man: no sir
Tim: so you wouldn't mind if I looked around inside
Man: that's not necessary
Tim: it wasn't really a question but more of an order
the man went to reach for his gun
Tim: gun!
I did a successful gun take away on him before detaining him in our shop. We searched the house to see a beat up girl around my age, scared and alone.
Lucy: i found her!
i called out to Tim
Lucy: hey, my names officer chen, you can call me lucy, okay?
she nodded
Lucy: what's your name
Hailey: it's hailey
she said scared and tears falling from her eyes
Lucy: you're safe now Hailey, he can't hurt you anymore. Let's get you looked at by some professionals, okay?
Hailey: okay
I helped her up and Tim came into the room
Tim: everything good in here?
Lucy: yeah, we're going to go get Hailey here checked out
Tim: ok
we got an ambulance here to look at her. Once she was okay and situated at her mom's house, we processed the guy at the station. We filled out the paper work and realized it was almost the end of shift.
Tim: hey, you skipped lunch, you hungry?
Lucy: yeah, want to go to dinner with Daisy and I?
Tim: sounds great, i'll pick you up at around 6:00?
Lucy: sounds great
Tim: perfect. Let's finish up so we can go
Lucy: alright
we finished up our shift and I changed in the locker room. I said bye to Tim and picked up Daisy from the babysitters house.
Lucy: you excited for dinner with Tim?
Daisy: yay! I missed him!
Lucy: aww, ok, let's get you dressed
I got Daisy dressed in a cute floral dress and some sandals. I put her hair in two braids. I showered while Daisy colored watching the princess and the frog. I curled my hair and texted tim.
*text messages*
Lucy: hey Tim
Tim: hey, what's up
Lucy: is there a dress code for where we're going?
Tim: you'd look great in anything
Lucy: thanks
Lucy: but also not what I asked
Tim: well, it's a fancier place
Lucy: perfect, what are you wearing?
Tim: i don't know yet, i want to match you
Lucy: aww, ok wait i'll probably either wear a black dress or a deep red dress
Tim: ok, sounds great
Lucy: see you soon
Tim: see you soon
*end of texts*
I peaked into my closet and looked at all of the dresses I bought to hang out with friends but could never wear because of Mark.

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