bedtimes and wounds

Start from the beginning

“…what is it Oli?” she asked tiredly

“why is Katherine here?” he asked


“she’s on the couch and looks like she’s gonna pass out, she said something bout a fight? She put her horse in with buttercup to”

“……fuck!” Shelby shouted, ironic considering she’s been telling her kids to be quiet all night

She paused seeing Olis face, fuck she needed to see how damaged Katherine was but she didn’t want to worry her son-  okay. Take a breathe Shelby, calm. She knelt in front of him the best she could being so close to the bed

“sorry, just…I didn’t expect her and….if she’s hurt I need to go help her, okay?” She said and he nodded, she smiled and he mimicked her, “so then mister! YOU need to go back to sleep so mama can take care of this, okay?” she said getting up

“k!” Oli replied, leaving the room, as soon as she heard his door click shut adrenaline immediately pumped back up and she ran to her bathroom to grab supplies
“soooo how exactly did this happen again?” Shelby asked, and hour and a half later the kids, Oli asleep again, bandaging another of Katherines wounds behind said guard who was sitting on a small stool

Her arm got hit with an arrow, “I mean, I know you’re a guard but like, I didn’t think you’d get hurt this badly, like- an arrow in your shoulder and slash by a zombie on the side of your torso”

Then again she also never thought she’d have Katherine half naked in her living room, armor tossed by the door, shirt stuffed into a saddle bag by them both

Not to mention shed hit her head because of a creeper explosion, Shelby was worried Katherine would get a concussion

Katherine sighed, “I was busy fighting the creepy which gave the skeleton time to shoot me- and it was going fine!” she said then paused with another small sigh, “.....until my shield broke”

“andddd you didn’t bring an extra one because??” Shelby questioned, moving the empty healing potion next to the others, there were 4 in a pile…she’d make another batch tomorrow

“well I wasn’t exactly planning on fighting a bunch of mobs tonight! They snuck up on me! All I wanted to do was, er….” Katherine trailed off blushing and looking to the side where an unwrapped gift laid

Shelby gave her a fond, but tired, look and kissed her cheek, making Katherine turned her head to face her, pupils blown wide

“you could have waited until morning to give me a gift you know” she said and Katherine groaned

“I knowww, but I got excited and wanted to give it to you now….”

“in the middle of the night?”

Well, it was technically past that, 4:45am now, “yes”

“while I was asleep?”

“…..okay look maybe it wasn’t the best idea but! At least now you have it?” Katherine asked in a nervous voice, tilting her head in a way that made her look like a kitten, and Shelby couldn’t help chuckling

“fine, you win his time, but try to come before sunset next time? I don’t want you to get hurt again…” she trailed off, settling on her knees fully and thumbing the side wound from behind

A silent moment passed between them, Shelby thumbing Katherines wound as said girl relaxed

“….I’ll be more careful, I promise” Katherine said, breaking the peaceful silence and turning her body in the stool to look Shelby in the eyes

insomnia landed me with 2 kids(mama Witch Au empires S2)Where stories live. Discover now