Stand On Business

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What does it means to stand on business? Allow me to tell you what I think it means. If one has a goal that they wish to accomplish no matter what lies ahead, if they have dreams and aspirations that they pursue and they follow through with it, that's what it means to stand to business. If you feel like you have suffered tremendous agony, trauma you have to suffer and live with day in and day out, despair that makes you feel you don't want to live to anymore, but yet despite the fact that you hear voices in your head that tell you to end it all, you still smile through the pain; you choose to keep moving forward because you believe that no matter how miserable you feel, no matter how matter times the world keeps on trying to shatter your spirit, push you to the brink of insanity, and smash your heart into pieces, things will get better for you and you'll be able to achieve salvation no matter how unfair the world is. That is how a person stands on business. You never give up on what you set out to do. You scratch, claw, and struggle to the bitter end! Even if every single obstacle becomes immensely harder than the last, you choose to walk to the path most people wouldn't instead of just giving up and taking the easy way out, no matter how tempting it may seem, you still choose to stand up strong and keep moving forward! Even if nobody else is standing in your corner, even if everybody keeps underestimating your true potential, if those people want to tell you that you're pathetic, uncapable of succeeding, you're in over your head, you're nothing more a phony, a fake, a chump, a loser, a failure, a fraud, there is only one way to shut up and prove the naysayers wrong: show them that you are as awesome as you know, overcome the odds and win! If you believe can do something, if you understand and believe that confidence is half the battle, then you're already taking the first step to standing on business, and every time you succeed, you're moving up in the world! If you want to better yourself, if you acknowledge the ugliness and flaws that you have as an individual and try to work on them instead of just simply rejecting or allowing yourself to fall in a constant state of stagnation, if you keep telling yourself that you're going to improve yourself every single day, and you stick to it, and you keep on working until you're able to shout to the world "This is me! This is who I am! This is the person that I have become, and I'm damn sure proud of becoming the best me that I can ever, a me that I thought I would never be able to become, but I did it because I worked my ass off, and I don't regret a single minute of it!" that's when you can say that you stand on business! If someone is standing in your way, if they refuse to back off or leave you alone, then tell them it doesn't matter what they do to you or how many times they try to take you down. You tell them "You can bring as many people as you want, but I'm still going to kick your ass! You set them up, and I'll knock them down!" and put them in place and show them that they're nothing but frauds. If you want to stand on business, then put your money where is! Do your best to show people that you're not just bark and no bite! Let the record show that you're a force to be reckoned with! Go and show everyone what it means to stand on business!

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