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Do you want to know what's a truly fascinating thing in life? Power. Power can be recognized anywhere. You can be physically powerful enough to beat up anyone who chooses to fight you, or you could have the physical to perform sports at a high magnitude. You can also be mentally powerful enough to withstand all types of hardships such as abuse, neglect, mental torture, starvation, bullying, or whatever obstacles lie ahead in your journey. Power is something we all have and need to live day by day, like food and beverages. If you don't have either of these inside your body, your body will die. Having food in your body will give you extra energy to be able to do tasks that you wouldn't be able to do if your fuel tank was running on empty. It's nice to have things that give you power, but it doesn't have to just come from food and beverages. It can also come from knowledge. Everybody knows about the phrase knowledge is power, and they're right because the more knowledge you have, the more you can utilize that knowledge in order to secure yourself and your loved ones a successful life. Many things you learn in classes such as history, math, reading, and other subjects can be used in the future to help you. If you put in as much time and effort into understanding what tools you need to nagivate your life in the best way possible, then you're using the power presented for you correctly. In fact, you can even use it to create a legacy that will live on for generations after you've died. You can even possess the power to make the world a better place by becoming things like a politican, doctor, etc. However, there are more sources as to where you can deprive power from such as money. Money plays a vast role in our society. In fact, most things in life you can get are from money such as clothes, education, meals, a roof over your head, a vehicle you can drive everyday, cable, home security, wallet, a tool for self-defense, or many things that I have not labeled. You can even use money to bribe people. Who knows how our world would turn out if we didn't have money at our disposal? It just goes to show how impactful money is, just like how a person's words can be. Words are a strong weapon that many can wield. They can change a person's life for the better or the worse. They can cause immense pain to others to the point of breaking someone to the point of suicide, or they can give them courage to overcome and persevere when you feel like you're about to give up. All it takes is one person saying the certain words at the right moment to invoke emotion into others. Many well known figures whether in real life or in fiction are famous for their words and how they resonate with people with how insipiring or how they relate to you in some sense. Words can make you laugh, cry, and change your perspective on how you view the world. All the things I've listed only cracks the surface on how much power there is in this world, but power is also humanity's greatest hypocrisy. Many humans are greedy and powerhungry, and they're willing to do whatever it takes to have their way, even if means slaughtering innocent lives. People let power go to their heads, and they let them change them from the person they once were. We crave power, but we also fear power that is beyond our control or a person with higher power. We even try to make others feel powerless out of fear of them overpowering us or just to flaunt our superiority over them. What's even more foolish is we humans find is easy to blame other things for their shift in personality. People tend to say that money is the root of all evil, but that's not true. It's human nature and lack of self-restraint is the deciding factor of a person's morale. Power is a terrifying thing, but it's up to the person to make the proper judgment on they use it.                                       

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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