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These were the author's thoughts. A lot had to be taken from the text 'as is' to explain them. On the one hand, because the heroine herself explains a lot in an attempt to get to the bottom of her essence. On the other hand, so that the examples given do not hang in a vacuum, but create for the reader a general idea of what is happening (I am sure that this will not be difficult if you arrange the episodes in chronological order, for which the chapters were numbered). Nevertheless, something still remains outside the scope of this analysis: some thoughts; more oppositions and echoes of ideas, actions and words (as artistic elements); descriptions of physical metamorphoses and mental transformations (mainly from the perspective of perception of the surrounding world), and more.

For the author, the creation of the novel was a great challenge in many aspects. Firstly, the psychological - now I have to somehow deal with the result of my investigation. Secondly, linguistics - I am not a native speaker. Thirdly, the literary one - I've never written before and, actually, I'm not a big fan of fiction. Most likely, you would have found a lot of cliches in this story; I only hope that more often the way out of them was non-standard, rather than conversely. Despite the fact that the timing of events and the presence / absence of the events themselves were verified according to the books (as far as it was reasonable within the framework of the project and with a couple of exceptions), according to the flair of the characters, it can be seen that the main source of inspiration was films. There are also some ideas from the only fanfiction the author has read, 'Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality' Eliezer Yudkowsky.

If you have read this text to the end, it is already a great joy for me. If you liked what you read, then a reward. If it seems to you that you are interested in my story, make no mistake - I have often been in a situation when the text about the work was more interesting than the work itself. If you haven't found anything interesting in it for yourself, it's sad, but understandable - when the only thing that interests you is yourself, you become of little interest to others. I suppose my story will suffer the same fate as the biography of my heroine's family - no one will ever read it.

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