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So, the girl and 'the boy' had something in common, and she, thanks to her 'predisposition to empathy' and introversion, always felt that something, and not only in him, although she did not understand the nature of this feeling: 'Suddenly, I felt quite uncomfortable, even alarmingly. That halted me, and I took a cursory glance around the room. There were two boys there: a black-haired one and a red-haired. One of them was showing the other the scar on his forehead, so everything was clear.' (Chapter 1 Two wizards); 'An incipient angst ran through my body. Before I could come to my senses, it enveloped me in an icy billow. Turning around, I saw a tall figure in a black cloak, the hood thrown over its head completely hiding its face. ... I didn't need to see its eyes to know that they were poking through me, peering deeper and deeper. ... I followed it, deeper and deeper, unless I stumbled on a small dot of green light. As if waiting only for it to be found, the dot exploded into a supernova.' (Chapter 4 First year); 'A familiar anxiety kicked me in the chest when, returning from the library, I passed our inseparable trio talking at a coffee table.'; 'One day, at the door of the charms class, we encountered the 'boy-who-' picking up books scattered on the floor from a torn bag. I was about to climb deep into the crowd when unanticipatedly received not my usual anxiety, but a double dose of it. Baffled by this phenomenon, I got back and a notebook resembling a diary caught my eye. It was the second source. "What's the matter with you?" "Nothing, I just didn't think boys kept diaries." ' (Chapter 6 Heir); 'Faith spread from the opposite shore of the lake. It faded over time. What was my amazement at the point of realising that it was coming from the same person as despair. But there could be no mistake - it's like a way of speaking.' (Chapter 9 Game); 'Two shadows ran out into the clearing and aborted themselves, giving way to each other. One of them evoked the very feeling by which this person could always be identified. I was unable to stop them, I couldn't even yell 'Stop!'. I was a tiny fragile spider! And I couldn't come up with anything better than to call the big one.' (Chapter 12 Maze); 'The boy and I had to serve our detention at the same time, in the same place. We met near the door of the 'old doll's' office. There was no way to keep the usual distance, and I could feel his exasperation and growing wrath expressly.' (Chapter 14 Head); ' "Evelyn, could you wait for me upstairs?" Obediently coming out from under the professor's cover, I walked quickly to the stairs leading to the second tier and up it. Nonetheless, having reached the end, I couldn't resist turning my head abruptly ninety degrees, immediately catching the boy's puzzled look, which he had not taken off from me all this time. His face flinched, and his hand rushed to the scar. "You were the snake, right? You were the snake." His confused expression told me that he had heard me.' (Chapter 16 Before Christmas).

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that she had the same 'dreams' as him: '... I was puzzled to find myself trying to discern someone behind me. It seemed that this was about to take place, but with each subsequent moment, the very purpose of my gaze in that direction was disappearing from my memory. "Have you seen something?" Two huge round eyes in heavy round glasses peered at me with inspiration and aloofness at once. ... She showed me the glistening sphere picked up from the floor. ... "It prophesied, and you saw a foretelling in a dream. My congratulations!" I kept looking into the semi-mirrored translucent surface, distorting everything that got onto it, but couldn't recall what I saw. The vision vanished in my head like greenish smoke in the ball as soon as my brain regained control.' (Chapter 9 Game); '... I twisted my neck and awoke with a sense of déjà vu. "Where could I have seen this before? When? Remember now - in a crystal ball. ... What was I expecting to see? I think the ball showed me something else..." ' (Chapter 10 Tournament); 'Gasping for air with my mouth open, I sat up on the bed. "A dream? No, it was all too real. It feels too similar to the previous year's vision, which means..." ... I met the head already at the spiral staircase. ... Before I could utter a word, some people burst into the room. I couldn't see them - the teacher rapidly obscured me with his mantle, pushing toward the curtain. But I could feel one of them. And then my legs gave out because I heard the story I was going to tell myself.' (Chapter 16 Before Christmas). It is also not surprising that she did not see the visions that her father artificially created specifically for 'the boy': ' "Have you had any more visions, Miss Greenwood?" My mentor spoke calmly, as ever, but the notes of excitement in his voice did not escape me. "No... Why?" "No premonitions about any onslaughts or kidnappings?" I swayed my head negatively. "Perhaps, not about people? It could have been a dog: a big black dog." "No, there was nothing." ' (Chapter 19 Headmaster).

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