«39» a moment eternal

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“I thank Him too, every single day, for giving me you. You are my greatest blessing, Yaseerah.”

“You Fou’ad Muhammad Farraj are my greatest blessing.”

She leaned in, her lips brushing against his in the barest of kisses before she pulled back, a twinkle in her eyes that made his heart flutter.

His lips parted, with words he never got to say, because their phones chimed simultaneously in that moment with the call of maghrib adhan.

“Come on, let’s go in and pray.”

Without a word, he scooped her up into his arms, her surprised gasp like music to his ears.

“Fou’ad, what are you doing?” She sounded almost breathless, her laughter dancing through the air, as her hands instinctively wrapped around his neck.

“Trying to do things right,” he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

“What do you mean?” she queried, eyes wide open curiosity, and heart overflowing with love.

“You’ll see.”

Yaseerah could only roll her eyes, knowing that trying to get information out of him would be moot, so she would just have to wait and see, like he had suggested.

So, she leaned against him, feeling far too safe and cherished in his arms, the world outside fading into insignificance.


“Welcome home, Albi,” Fou’ad uttered, once he was done saying the du’a for entering home, his voice whisper-soft and reverent.

Yaseerah’s breath caught in her throat, once they stepped through the double French doors that led them inside the farmhouse.

If she had thought the mansion in Maitama was breathtaking, or that her bedroom was pure magic, this farmhouse with its double height windows and inviting warm tones was a masterpiece of beauty and tranquility.

Words simply evaded her, as she took in the glorious sights before her, wiggling in Fou’ad’s arms until he set her down, eager to explore every corner of their new home.

The open-plan layout, reminiscent of their other house, gave the space an airy, spacious feel, yet there was a warmth and coziness that enveloped her like a familiar embrace.

The walls were painted in a soothing shade of warm beige, providing the perfect backdrop for the rich hues of the wooden furniture and the soft, plush rugs that adorned the distressed wooden floor.

“Come on.” Fou’ad tugged at her hand gently, pulling her towards a curved wooden staircase that led to both an upper and lower levels.

“There’s enough time to explore later,” he chuckled, when he noticed her pouting. “I promise, I’ll give you a full tour once we are done praying.”

Yaseerah’s pout didn’t disappear but she also didn’t protest his reasoning as she followed him towards what she thought might be the bedroom.

To her surprise, once they reached the last stair, the space opened into a mezzanine level that had been transformed into a beautiful prayer room.

The entire space was bathed in the warm glow of a lotus flower pendant chandelier, giving it a serene and inviting atmosphere.

The walls were painted in the same soothing beige as the rest of the farmhouse, and soft rugs covered the floor, adding a touch of comfort to it.

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