15. Drenched Dilemma

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As Jungkook stirred from his slumber, he squinted against the morning light filtering into his room. He couldn't sleep last night, thoughts of a certain someone swirled in his mind, leaving him restless and confused. Nevertheless, he started his day in the Kim household.

After freshening up and indulging in breakfast, Jungkook's eyes scanned the mansion in search of Taehyung, finding no trace of him.

With Sunday stretching ahead of them, Heejae took the opportunity to guide Jungkook through his garage, sharing his passion for automotive care. Jungkook found comfort in Heejae's company, the shared experience was reminiscent of moments spent with his own father, evoking a sense of familiarity and warmth.

Within the garage, Heejae busied himself beneath the car, tending to its maintenance tasks. Jungkook positioned himself nearby, assisting by handing over tools, their bond growing stronger with each shared moment.

Adjacent to the garage lay a picturesque garden, a haven of colorful blooms swaying gently in the morning breeze. Stepping out, Jungkook's gaze lingered on the natural splendor before him, which relaxed him.

As Jungkook took in the picturesque scene, his attention was drawn to a distinct mop of blonde hair amidst the garden. There was no mistaking that it was the individual who had occupied his thoughts, causing his restless night. A smile graced Jungkook's features effortlessly as Taehyung turned and waved towards him, exchanging a morning greeting.

Taehyung stood a mere ten feet away, his expression shifting into a devilish grin as a mischievous thought crossed his mind. Lost in the moment, Jungkook's focus remained fixed on Taehyung, oblivious to the sly expression that adorned Taehyung's face.

Taehyung raised his index finger towards the sky and looked up. On the other hand, he held a water hose, as he was watering the plants.

As Jungkook curiously followed Taehyung's gesture, to see what had caught his attention, he was met with a sudden spray of water, drenching him from head to toe. He blinked in surprise, sputtering as droplets cascaded down his face.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook exclaimed, his features contorting with a mixture of shock and surprise. Anger began to simmer within him as he realized he was now drenched, knowing that he would have to shower once more.

Taehyung doubled over with laughter at the sight of Jungkook, who looked like a drenched puppy. The watering hose was forgotten as he ran off into the maze of flowers, afraid that Jungkook might chase him, his giggles echoing through the garden.

As Jungkook's gaze fell upon Taehyung's smile, all traces of anger melted away, replaced by a sense of warmth and contentment.

The sound of Taehyung's laughter echoed like music in Jungkook's ears, filling him with joy. Jungkook found himself admiring his round, chocolate-brown eyes forming into small crescents, and his puffy cheeks. His genuine happiness radiated from his smile, making Jungkook feel a sense of joy and happiness.

As Jungkook was about to chase Taehyung, Heejae's voice intervened, halting his steps. He reluctantly entered the garage.

"Why are you soaking wet?" Heejae questioned, studying Jungkook with a puzzled expression.

"I stepped on the water hose, and it was facing me, so it directly shot water at me." He spoke, quickly coming up with a lie, not wanting Taehyung to face his father's scolding.

Heejae remained unsatisfied with Jungkook's response, but refrained from further interrogation, instructing Jungkook to change his clothes instead. Jungkook obeyed and made his way into the mansion, his gaze scanning for Taehyung, who was nowhere to be seen in the garden. Unaware of Taehyung's presence behind the bushes, Jungkook headed towards his room.

Meanwhile, Taehyung, concealed behind the bushes in the garden, feared that Jungkook would come to chase him. Upon observing Jungkook entering the mansion, he breathed a sigh of relief. After a few minutes, he cautiously entered the mansion as well.

As evening descended, Jungkook spent the entire day searching for Taehyung, determined to take revenge for the morning's incident. However, Taehyung, being a sly brat, was strategically sticking close to family members throughout the day. Whether conversing with his uncles or sharing lunch with Jimin in the kitchen, Taehyung seemed intent on avoiding Jungkook, knowing full well that Jungkook lurked nearby, ready to settle the score.

Taehyung, with the intention of making kookies for the family, made his way to the kitchen, only to discover the absence of white flour. Determined to locate it, he headed towards the food storage room nestled in the corner of the living area.

Unknown to Taehyung, Jungkook happened to be wandering the mansion's halls when he caught sight of Taehyung entering a room. Curious, Jungkook trailed after him. He stood outside the room, silently observing as Taehyung attempted to reach a box of white flour positioned on a higher shelf.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Jungkook observed Taehyung's struggle. It was finally his turn to seek revenge and settle the score.

Balancing on his tippy toes, arms outstretched, Taehyung strained to reach the flour. Just as he thought he had it within his grasp, a hand smoothly intercepted, plucking the flour from the shelf. Startled, Taehyung spun around to see who it was, only to find Jungkook standing there, wearing a smug smile, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Shock etched across Taehyung's features as he saw Jungkook standing before him. Avoiding Jungkook's presence all day, Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling that Jungkook was here to take revenge.

Taehyung, be calm. Don't let it show on your face. Jungkook probably forgot about what I did this morning. Just play it cool. With a self-encouraging cheer, Taehyung mustered a nervous smile and blurted out, "Hey Jungkook, I'm going to make kookies. Do you want to eat some?" in one breath, before swiftly turning towards the shelf to retrieve the other ingredients.

"Yeah, sure, I like kookies, Jungkook replied casually.

Hey lovelies

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✨Teaser for next chapter ✨

Their faces close, they stared into each other's eyes, unaware of their intimate position. Jungkook felt the heat rise to his ears. Jungkook was swallowing hard as he can't stop the urge to look down and stare on Taehyung's plushy lips.

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