~Special 15~

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Plot: Todoroki-chan is back to a 4 year old and cries. Crewel and Leona are the only ones to calm her.

Requested by: mx_dottore

-3rd POV-

-Small Flashback-

It all started with Ace being an idiot by not reading the instructions correctly and ended up dumping the whole vial, which ended up exploding in their faces, but luckily he pushed (Y/n) out of the way. But, some of the liquid ended getting on the girl's cheek.

Ace looked down at the girl, but was confused when he saw a bundle of clothes, before it started to move. He moved it a bit and saw her head poke out, "(Y/n)?" He called out.

The said girl looked at him with bright sparkling eyes, "Hello..." She muttered softly, before looking around, "Why am I here? Where's Sho-nii? Where's Okaa-san?"

He instantly sat up and waved his hands around, "D-Don't worry, I'm sure your brother is near! Wanna go look for him?" 

She nodded, before hesitantly grabbed his hand and they both walked off to find her brother.

-End of Flashback-

"So, that's how she became a child? Because you couldn't read right?! You illiterate idiot!" Deuce exclaimed.

"Hey! Shut up!" Ace exclaimed.

Epel stared down at the girl, then at the others, "How do you think she'll react to her brother? They're supposed to be twins, so same age." He whispered.

His eyes widen, "Oh, no..."

Shoto came up and stared down at his kid sister and his eyes widen, "(N/n)?"

(Y/n) looked at him, "Only Sho-nii can call me that, you're not my brother! Okaa-san said to not talk to strangers."

He blinked, before pointing at himself, "But I am."

Jack shook his head, "Don't. She is already in distress that she's not in her house with her mother and sibling. Any more and she'll probably run off." He said, looking at the others, who nodded.

Midoriya smiled at the girl, "Hi, (Y/n)-chan, you must be tired from all this walking, huh?"

The girl ignored him, before getting down and leaving the table, making the others confused.

"Where are you going?" Deuce called out.

"To find my onii-chan!" She said, walking off.


(Y/n) had been walking for a while and was getting restless. So, what did she do? She sat down in the hall and started to cry.

Crewel, who was walking down the hall, noticed the little bundle and went up to her, "What are you doing here, pup?"

She looked up at him and his eyes widen, seeing that it was the only female student he has.

"Pup, come here." He said, opening his arms. He noted how she was hesitating, which made him smile softly, "It's okay, I'm a friend of your mother. Didn't she tell you that you would be staying with uncle Crewel?" He smiled.

She teared up again and shook her head, "Okaa-san didn't tell me..." She said.

He softly chuckled and pat her head, which made her run up to him and hug him. He smiled and picked her up, "Now, I'm sure your tired from all the walking and crying. Why don't you take a small nap?"

She nodded her head as she laid her head on his shoulder, "Okay..." She muttered.

He gently swayed as he softly hummed a lullaby for her.

Slowly, but surely she started to fall asleep.

Leona, who was walking and also hiding from Ruggie, noticed the professor and was about to walk off in a different direction, but was too late.

"Kingscholar." Crewel called out.

"Dammit..." He muttered, before turning, "What?" He took note of the sleeping girl.

"Take care of my little pup, I have a class to teach. She needs her rest." He said, handing the sleeping kid to him, "Make sure not a single hair is misplaced." He said, walking off.

The lion male looked at the sleeping girl and huffed, "Great, I have to deal with a kid." He muttered, walking to the gardens.


(Y/n) woke up to see Leona, seeing that he was sleeping and warm, she moved closer to him for warmth and fell back asleep. Knowing she was in good hands if Crewel was the one to choose him.

Leona on the other hand was awake, but made it seem like he was asleep. He opened one eye to look down at her, before closing it again, 'At least she didn't cry or yell...' He thought, going to sleep.


Crewel walked through the botanical garden, looking for the girl and lion male. He then spotted a familiar pair of ears and looked.

His smiled as he saw the two cuddled up together as they slept. He made the right choice of asking Leona to look after her. He grabbed his phone and took a picture, before walking off to go create an antidote for the girl.

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