~Special 05~

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Plot: (Y/n) spending time with Crewel...The actual father figure.

-3rd POV-

(Y/n) woke up with a start.

And what was it? Crewel opening the blinds with a grin on his face, and turned to the girl, who turned away and hide under the covers.

"Rise and shine, pup. It's time to get up. Did you already forget you were spending time with me?" He said, chuckling.

The girl only groaned, wanting to sleep more, until her covers were pulled off from her, "Nooo...I want to sleep more..."

The male shook his head and grabbed the girl's arms, sitting her up, "Come on, pup. We have to get going. Get ready. I'll be downstairs waiting for you." He said, patting her head and heading out the room, closing the door behind him.

The dual haired girl sighed softly, rubbing her eyes from the sleepiness, "How did he even get in here...? Did Sho-nii let him in?" She mumbled, getting up and grabbing her clothes, heading to the bathroom to freshen up in order to start her day.


(Y/n) walked downstairs with a small yawn and Crewel looked at her with a smile.

"Good. Now, let's head off."

"Eh? Where are we going?"

The male sweatdropped, "We're going to out into the town. We're buying you new things. Did you already forget, pup?"

The girl blinked a bit, before her eyes sparkled a bit, "That's right. I forgot about it. I've been busy with other things. I'm sorry..." She apologized, as he chuckled and pat her head.

"It's all right. Let's go." He said, leading her out the dorm with a gentle push.


The hero-in-training eyes sparkled as she looked around the small town, since she never left the school campus and plus, she was still in unfamiliar grounds.

Crewel couldn't help but look at the girl with a soft look, 'She's acts like a small child...I've heard her talk about her past.' He sighed softly, 'I'll protect her while she's here.' He thought, patting her head as she looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"I wanna try all the food you have here." She said.

"Eh? You sure that stomach will hold all that food? Don't want you going sick on me now, pup."

The girl pouted slightly, making the male laugh.

"All right. You'll have a few treats." He said, making the girl's eyes sparkle again, as they both walked to a stand.

"Oh? Crewel! Nice to see you again." An older lady said, before her eyes averted to the young girl. "Is this your daughter? She seems to have similar hair to you with the exception of the red."

The male's eyes widen, before shaking his head, "No—" He was cut off by the girl.

"Yes, he's my father. The best one, Obaa-san." (Y/n) said, smiling softly.

The older lady smiled and let out a small laugh, "She's quite the respectful one too." She said, before grabbing a small bag full of treats and giving it to the girl, "Here you go, sweetie. On the house."

"Thank you, Obaa-san." She said, bowing a bit, before taking a bite, and her eyes instantly sparkled, "It's so good!"

"Of course! Family recipe after all!"

Crewel chuckled, "Well, we're off. We have other things to do." He said, gently pushing the girl.

"Hai, hai. Do come visit anytime, you two."

The two nodded and waved at the elderly woman, before heading in a different direction.


After a long day of shopping for the girl, they were in front of the Ramshackle dorm.

"Well, I'll see you in class, pup."

"Hai, Otou-san."

Crewel's eyes widen a bit, before smiling softly, 'I promise to protect you, (Y/n). You and your brother.' He thought, waving at her, then heading off.


Crewel stood in front of Crowley, who was down crying, with a triumph smirk on his features, "I guess I'm the best father, Crowley."

The said male only cried even more, "I've been betrayed by my own daughter! Why (Y/n)!!! Why!!" He cried out.

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