Part 10

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Ethan's pov

I was making out with a girl in the library just an hour ago. I forgot what that her name was. Is that bad? No atleast not to me.

I am walking to my class right now. I am 10 minutes late because I don't give a fuck if I am late.

I push the door open and just walk to my seat. The teacher yells at me but I am not really listening.

That's when I notice that I sit next to ruby. I don't know why I keep seeing her. Is she stalking me?
No dumbass you are in the same class and you are in the same school.

I don't think she is listening to what the teacher says either. Not that I care.

I look at her again. I look at her hair long blond hair. She is beauti-. What the fuck am I saying. I have really lost it. Damn did I hit my head or something. I look at her again. She has bags under her eyes. Why hasn't she been sleeping. Now I am curious.

I look away.

'Why were you staring' she asks.

'I wasn't' I answer simply.

'Yeah right' she says while rolling her eyes.

'Why haven't you been sleeping.' I ask.

She looks at me then she looks away. She is Ignoring me are you kidding me. It isn't such a hard question.

She stays for the rest of the lesson quiet. And I do the same. I didn't want to talk to her anyway.

The bell rings. I pack my bag and I leave the classroom.

I am going to skip the last period. I walk out the school and walk towards the school parking lot.

There is my beautiful baby. My motorcycle. The only thing I truly love. And my family I guess.

I hop on my motorcycle.

I have been driving for a few hours now. My mom just texted me that she want me to go to the supermarket because she needs some ingredients for her soup.

I arrive at the nearest supermarket and enter the supermarket. I have never been to this supermarket. Luckily it's a small one otherwise I could have never find anything. I walk around the store to get the ingredients I need.

I walk toward the cashier. I walk towards the woman behind the cashier. And pay for my mom's ingredients.

I walk out of the store and hop on my motorcycle. I am riding on the road when I see a small figure walking beside the road.

I drive towards the figure. It slightly becomes more visible that's when I realize that it's ruby. Why is she walking there? School ended 1 hour ago.

Anyway it's not my problem. But what if something bad happens. My subconscious tells me.

I slow my motorcycle down and stop. I hop of my motorcycle and begin walking with it instead.

'Why are you walking here?' I ask curiously.

'Because I need to get home' she answers.

'Don't you have a bike or something'.


Then go with the bus.

Why do you care anyway? She asks me.

I don't.



Ethan's pov

What do you think about Ethan

I think he is a bit confused. Well a bit a whole lot.


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