chapter 1

61 4 1

Ruby lopez

I am laying in my bed.

Staring at the ceiling. My mind is empty. After a few minutes I have to force myself out of bed. Otherwise I wouldn't come out of  my bed at all. Although it was Sunday so I didn't have school.

I quickly opened my door and scanned the hallway to see if  he is there. But he isn't. I sighed in relieve.

I just couldn't handle that devil of a father. If I can even call him that.

He definitely didn't earn that title.

I walked to the kitchen. And grabbed an apple.

I walked back to my room and turned the TV on. As I scrolled on netflix I suddenly heard a door opening.

I hear footsteps coming closer and closer. I am scared. So scared.

I need to hide and quick. But where.

We only moved here a few days ago.

He said for a "new begin".

More like running from the enemies he made.

My door suddenly went wide open.

There he was standing in my room.

The devil himself

He was drunk.




'Hello whore', he said slurring his words.

'H-hello s-sir.' I said with a shaky voice.

He suddenly threw his beer bottle he was holding just a second ago to my head. I quickly dodged it.

He pulled my hair and said clean that up you piece of Shit. I was you were never born. Then your mother would still be alive
You killed her.

I killed her?


I killed her.

He kept insulting me.

He didn't hurt me.

Altleast not this time.


Hi fallon here!

What do you think about this so far not really a big chapter.

But their will be bigger chapters!

What do you guys think about Ruby so far?

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