"Ah, not needing Claw Noir's help?" Plagg follows.

"Quiet. I'm just being stealthy and as soon as I get in, Claw Noir will do his entrance" Cat Adrien said.

"Okay," Plagg nodded.

Crawling through the air ducts was something he never did in the 21st century. He cautiously crawled as he heard footsteps.

"Did you find him?" Lila as Sierra asked her guards.

"Not yet," One of the guards said.

"Make sure your eyes are protected. It's like stone gaze" Lila warned.

"Yes Mistress" The guards nodded.

"Hmph, coward as always when you lie too much, Lila" Cat Adrien said before morphing into human, "Plagg, claws out" He transformed into Claw Noir.

Crawling in the air ducts was hard but he had to find the office first without alerting the guards. He peered through the vents to look through. He spots his lady sneaking in too to avoid security guards.

"She's in for this too," he thought and the vent he stepped on came open and landed on Ladybug.

"OMPH!" Ladybug grunted with him on top.

"Agh! Sorry" Claw Noir quickly moved his face away from her breasts, "Uh, hi"

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

Claw Noir rolled over to the side, "Same as you. The guards have neck protections and sunglasses to block my hypnosis and my bite"

"You know I got tricks up my sleeve for this" Ladybug gestures her yoyo.

"Don't. We can't let that bitch know we broke in. But I do need help on that thing" Claw Noir gestures to the elevator that never existed in his time.

"The elevator? Okay," Ladybug replied.

"Why is it called an elevator?" Claw Noir asked.

"You know elevators were in progress during the 1860s" Ladybug pointed out.

"Yes, but this is more electric and advanced that I've never seen" Claw Noir got in the elevator.

"Right," Ladybug replied and then pressed the button for the secret lair.

"These personas really need to stop. That's another reason why her lies don't attract me that much. When I reveal how it annoys me, she still makes more lies without caring how it makes me feel. Like irritating me doesn't mean shit to her" Claw Noir said.

"She really lives on misery," Ladybug said.

"But that's no excuse for her to lie and pretend to be her personas that don't even exist" Claw Noir stared at the numbers changing, "Like a 5-year-old lying her way to gain attention by adults. Such bullshit" Claw Noir leans against the wall.

"Indeed," Ladybug said.

As soon as the elevator reached the office, they made sure to not alert the guards.

"If you see them, knock their protection. Biting their ass won't do" Claw Noir said before going to the laptop screen to hack in.

"It's a metaphor meaning, not literally. I just say that in a way when I mean kick their asses as a vampire" Ladybug snickered.

"It's not funny. I bite necks, not asses" Claw Noir rolled his eyes before getting in the system.

"I hope you know how to use them," Ladybug said.

"Felix taught me this for a week," Claw Noir said.

"Wow," Ladybug said.

"Lila you crazy bitch" Claw Noir saw lots of witchcraft to create anti-aging beauty cream with witchcraft ingredients of human parts based on victims who have a bit of slow aging DNA than just their age.

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