Hopeless Battle

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Seiya and Endymion let their eyes sweep through the dark, deserted corridors. Serenity was gone. Where the young queen had just stood, now stretched an impenetrable wall of black crystal. A oppressive silence hung over the room.

"Serenity! Serenity, can you hear me?" Seiya's voice echoed through the darkness as he desperately hammered against the impenetrable barrier. His fists throbbed with pain, but he ignored it persistently. She couldn't just be gone! Endymion shared Seiya's despair and firmly grasped his shoulder.

As he turned his head, he looked into Endymion's determined eyes. "Stop. This won't get us anywhere. If we want to save Serenity and our children, we have to work together. As reluctant as I am to say it, I'm afraid we have to team up," Endymion said with an iron gaze.

Seiya's thoughts raced as he absorbed the words of his new ally. Working together with Endymion seemed like the best option. After all, it was about his son, for whom he would sacrifice everything, and about Serenity, the only woman who had ever touched his heart.

"Alright. What's your plan?" Seiya's voice was serious as he straightened up again. Endymion looked tense, but his eyes searched the room determinedly. "I don't have one yet. But I think this room has a weakness somewhere, and we need to find it... or create one," he pondered aloud.

A spark of hope glimmered in Seiya's eyes. "Then let's create one. If we hit the same spot often enough, this damn crystal will eventually give way."

Endymion nodded hesitantly, but eventually agreed. With drawn swords, they began to alternately strike the crystal wall. The clashing of their blades echoed through the room as they invested more and more strength with each blow.

Yet despite their efforts, the crystal showed no signs of weakness. Exhaustion weighed heavily on their shoulders as suddenly the mocking laughter of a woman broke the silence. Her voice was full of scorn and malice, and she seemed to emerge from the shadows themselves.

Endymion and Seiya paused. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Endymion demanded firmly into the darkness. Suddenly, a part of the wall opened up, and a young woman emerged. Her gaze was full of dark power and corruption.

Her eyes glowed in the darkness of the room as she approached the men. "I am Kermesite of the Black Moon family from the planet Nemesis," she explained with dark pleasure. "And I will make sure that you do not thwart our plans." With a swift attack, she hurled a projectile at the two kings, narrowly missing them.

The door behind her closed again, and the men were trapped. They looked at each other determinedly. They had to work together to escape this deadly trap, that much was clear to both of them.

For Kermesite, it was just a game, a game that the two would ultimately pay with their lives. With further attacks, she drove them through the cramped space, while the tension in the air continued to intensify.

Kermesite, with a satisfied grin on her lips, unleashed more spherical purple lightning bolts on Endymion and Seiya, who defended themselves desperately. Their swords gleamed in the bright light of the attacks as they struggled against the overwhelming power of their opponent.

Endymion elegantly ducked under a bolt of lightning and tried to attack Kermesite from the side. But his movements were too slow, and suddenly his sword felt much heavier than it actually was. Kermesite laughed scornfully and effortlessly parried his attack before hurling another bolt at him, knocking him to the ground.

Seiya, noticing the weakness of his ally, rushed forward to protect him. His sword strikes were fast and precise, but his strength dwindled with each moment. Kermesite's ball lightning came closer and closer, and he had to duck and dodge desperately to avoid being hit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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