But sometimes love alone is not enough

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Serenity ran, her heart racing with fear. In that moment, she could only think of Endymion. He was outside, taking over the guard, and the siren still wailed threateningly in the background.

Her hurried steps echoed through the long corridors of the palace when suddenly a strong hand seized her arm, bringing her to an abrupt halt. Confused and full of concern, she whirled around to stand in the bright light of Mars' tiara.

"Serenity, what are you planning?" Mars asked with concern, her brow furrowed.

"I have to get to him. He relieved Mercury; he's out there. I need to know what's happening," Serenity sobbed, trying to free herself from her friend's iron grip.

But Venus stepped up decisively, speaking with a firm voice, "No, it's better if you stay here. Mars and I will check what's going on outside. You stay with Mercury, here in the palace, safe."

Serenity gasped for air, tears streaming down her cheeks. "But what if something happened to him?"

Mercury stepped closer to the queen, placing her hand reassuringly on her shoulder. "Serenity, Venus is right. You need to stay here in safety. That's what they want – to lure you out to completely erase the Silver Crystal. Please be sensible and stay here."

Serenity painfully realized that her friends were probably right. She sank onto the palace steps, drawing her knees close and hugging her arms tightly around them. "Then go, and bring him back to me."

Mars and Venus exchanged a determined look before they ran off. At the base of the stairs, Endymion's generals were already waiting, and together they rushed towards the alarm.

Mercury sat down beside her friend and pulled her into a comforting embrace. "Please, calm down. Everything will be fine," she said gently.

The tension weighed on both of them as the siren continued its ominous song.

"What's all that noise? Has something happened?" Suddenly, Seiya's voice rang out, and Serenity's head snapped around. Without much thought, she jumped up and threw herself into his arms. She pressed her tear-stained face against his chest, and he lovingly stroked her back.

"The alarm went off... and Endymion is out there. He took over the guard duty."

Seiya understood immediately and pushed Serenity a bit away to look her in the eyes. His expression was serious and determined. "Stay here. We will help the others."

Serenity's heart raced even faster as she realized that Seiya's brothers were already in their warrior forms before her, ready for battle.

"Power of the Star Fighter, transform." Seconds later, Seiya stood transformed in front of her, determination shining in his eyes. He signaled to his brothers, and they ran off to confront the threat.

Mercury stepped closer to her queen. She could see the familiarity that Serenity and Seiya shared in their interactions. It was as if the blue-haired woman knew more than she let on. A hesitant question escaped her lips: "You like the King of Kinmoku, don't you?"

Serenity's gaze lingered on the spot where Seiya had disappeared. Her thoughts went back to the kiss they had shared, the unexpected feeling that had overcome her. Ambivalence and confusion ran through her mind.

Amidst all the chaos and confusion, that moment of intimacy between them had surfaced, intensifying the complexity of her feelings.

"Yes," Serenity finally said, with a hint of sadness in her voice. "He has become an important friend to me in this short time." She couldn't tell Mercury the whole truth, couldn't admit the depth of her feelings for Seiya because it was too complicated, too tangled.

Lost Love in the Moon PalaceWhere stories live. Discover now