Between betrayal and trust

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Seiya supported Serenity, who was exhausted and running out of strength, as they sought their way to Endymion's room. However, when they reached the long corridor leading to their destination, she suddenly stopped and took a deep breath, her legs barely able to carry her.

"Serenity, don't you want to rest first? You're almost at the end of your strength," Seiya asked with concern.

"No, I have to go to him. Even if there's any truth in what you just said. He's still my husband, and he's wounded in his room," she whispered while pleadingly looking at Seiya.

Seiya clenched his teeth anxiously, his forehead furrowed, but he nodded eventually. "All right, I'll take you there."

"Thank you," she breathed back.

Endymion lay in his bed. Mercury had just finished her examination and noticed that Serenity's condition was deteriorating once again. She quickly fetched a chair for Serenity, which Seiya placed her on before he bid farewell. A sense of heaviness and uncertainty hung in the air. Serenity looked at her wounded husband and didn't know how to handle Seiya's unsettling revelation. But at that moment, her only desire was to be by Endymion's side.

"Serenity, he's stable for now. Would you rather lie down in your own bed and regain your strength? You can barely sit upright," Mercury urged with concern.

Serenity shook her head, her gaze fixed on Endymion. "No, I'll be fine. I belong by his side, and that's where I'll stay as long as he needs me."

"He'll probably wake up soon. But please remember to give your body some rest. I see how you're doing," Mercury cautioned, trying to convince Serenity.

The queen smiled weakly, a sign of her determination. "I'll be fine. Thank you."

Reluctantly, Mercury left the room, leaving Serenity alone with her husband. Endymion lay pale and exhausted, his eyelids fluttering slightly as he awakened and saw his wife's figure. A faint smile graced his lips, and he reached out a trembling hand toward Serenity. She gently took it and leaned over him, her eyes filled with tears. She was torn between concern for Endymion and the grim suspicion Seiya had voiced.

"I'm so glad you're awake," she whispered softly, pressing his hand against her cheek. Endymion tried to speak, but his voice was only a hoarse whisper. "How is Setsuna..."

In that moment, Serenity froze. He had asked about Setsuna again. She swallowed hard, and Seiya's words echoed repeatedly in her mind. She knew she had to have this conversation, but Endymion was still too weak.

"Merkury is with her. Pluto is in good hands," Serenity replied briefly, struggling internally with how to proceed next.

Endymion gathered his strength and sat up a bit. He realized the mistake he had just made by addressing Pluto by her first name in front of his wife. Serenity's expression told him that she was aware.

"Serenity, I..." he began but was interrupted by Serenity.

"You love her," the queen stated matter-of-factly and released her husband's hand.

Endymion looked sadly at her. He knew he could no longer deny it. "Yes. But let me explain; it's not that simple."

"Endymion, what else is there to explain?" she interrupted him with a mixture of hurt and determination. "You spent a year with her on Earth, you swore to me that you wouldn't see her again, and yet you switched your guard duty to secretly meet with her. I heard you, Endymion, both at Small Lady's ball and shortly before the attack."

Serenity paused thoughtfully as her insides burned with pain. She couldn't show anything on the outside, not in front of Endymion, who looked at her in shock. His eyes widened with horror.

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