The TARDIS~ Part two

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(Tw- Breif Mentions of a past Ed, Body Image Issues)

[12.00 pm, Room 101]

Rose- Is everyone ready to go?

Donna- Yup

Sarah Jane- [nods]

Martha- Absolutely

9- I'm mentally already there

Jack- I'm ready!

Ianto- me too

Rose- great. Oh and...I need to make a quick stop on the way. I've sort of...invited someone else. Is that okay?

9- are you kidding?! you stole the key, Rose, your in charge!

Sarah Jane- And what's one more person. We're already bound to get caught...

Donna- Sarah!

Rose- [nervous]

Sarah Jane- Sorry. I am REALLY grateful for what you've done, Rose

9- we all are

Rose- Well...I wouldn't have won the game without you guys, so...

Ianto- same here [looks at Jack and 9]

Rose- Hang on...where's Mickey?

9- he said he wasn't coming

Rose- W-why not?

Jack- we don't know

Donna- Who cares about Mickey Mouse! we've got a spaceship to attend!

Martha- [laughs]

Sarah Jane- Keep your voice down, Donna

Donna- my bad. From now on my lips are officially sealed

9- [opens the door] Let's go

Donna- Woo-hoo! [walks out]

[They all laugh, and walk out. Then they all head to room 102]

Rose- [nocks on the door]

Amy- [opens it] er...what do you want?

Rose- Is Clara there?

Amy- Yeah...

Rose- ...can you go get her?

Amy- ...yeah, sorry, I'm half asleep

Rose- sorry to disturb you...

Amy- Nah your good [dissapears and reappears with Clara] here she is, I think...I'm going back to bed

Clara- Hello?

Rose- Hi, I have a surprise for you

Clara- Seriously?

Rose- Yep

Clara- What sort of surprise?

Rose- You'll see, come on!

[She steps out of the room]

Donna- Hello, I'm Donna [holds out her hand]

Clara- [shakes it]

Donna- That's Martha, Sarah Jane, Ianto, The Doctor and The American gay boy who's name I can't seem to remember

Jack- The name's Jack and I'm actually Pan... [looks at Clara]

9- Stop flirting

Jack- I was only introducing myself!

9- For you that's flirting

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