The Rule Game- Part Four

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[Week two]

[Maths class]

Chris- Well done everyone! Donna, much better today, now...for the homework

Gwen- [groans]

Kate- yay! We haven't got any homework yet!

Yaz- yes Kate, and we want to KEEP it that way!

13- [yawns] Yaz is right. I haven't been this exhausted since...well...forever!

River- [laughs] maybe that's because you kept jumping from one bed to another ALL NIGHT

Yaz- you could hear that from all the way across the hall?

Amy- we thought someone was being murdered!

13- Yaz's fault

Yaz- hey!

13- you rugby tackled me!

Yaz- yeah wouldn't stop rapping hamilton in my ear so-

13- [sticks her tounge out at her]

9- what I really want to know is...Amy, if you thought someone was being murdered...why didn't leave your room to go and check?

Amy- I...was comfy...

Donna- wow, good to know we can rely on you when one us is actually dying!

Chris- Enough! Nobody's going to die!

[He starts handing out the homework]

Kate- I don't remember them messing around, because 'I' was asleep! [Says proudly]

Osgood- Me too

Yaz- dreaming about extra homework no doubt-

Kate- Actually, I dreamt about the TARDIS

Master- Yeah well, keep dreaming, nerd. Because your not never going to win

Kate- I already won, thank you very much. After class on Monday-

Master- [laughs] are you okay in the head? There's no way that happened!

13- no really, she did! We all saw it, didn't we?

[She looks at her roommates]

Yaz- Yep

Osgood- [nods] it was very funny

SpyMaster- [shocked]

Master- I still don't by it

Kate- Your just jealous because you haven't won!

Master- Yet! I haven't won...yet. just you wait, I've got something amazing planned

10- [intrigued]

Chris- Oh really?

Master- [looks up]

Chris- would that 'something' be the hundreds of feathers that suddenly appeared on top of the fan before class-

Master- [looks down] feathers? What...feathers?

Chris- you can act dumb all you want, Koschei, but I keep a hidden camera in my desk

Master- you WHAT

Jack- he's been caught!

Ianto- [laughs]

Master- Shut up! Both of you!

Ianto- [flinches, slightly]

[The fan goes off and covers everyone in feathers]

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