The Rule Game- Part Two

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[Rose and 9 walk around, looking for the correct room]

Rose- We're going to be late, and on our first day!

9- no we're not, come on [grabs her hand] I'm sure it's around here somewhere...

Rose- maybe I should just go back to bed...

9- [laughs]

Kate- [appears around the corner] excuse me, are you lost?

9- well, I wouldn't say-

Rose- we're very lost! [Steps forward and holds out her hand] I'm Rose

Kate- yes, Rose Tyler, I know, you made quite the impression

Rose- I did?

9- It's a good thing, Rosey

Rose- is it?

Kate- [shakes Rose's hand] Sorry, where are my manners. I'm Kate, Kate Stewart

9- I'm The Doctor!

Kate- Doctor?

Doctor- yep

Kate- but your too young to be a doctor?

Doctor- says who?


Rose- [giggles] relax, he's not actually a Doctor

Kate- [nods]

9- [frowns]

Rose- he's THE Doctor

9- [cheers up]

Kate- But...Doctor who?

9- Doctor...waiting for you to show us where the classroom is!

Kate- Of course, sorry [Bangs on the bathroom door] hurry up, Ella!

9- Oh um-

Osgood- [walks out] Sorry. Oh, hello! Who are you?

[She looks at Rose and The Doctor]

Rose- I'm Rose Tyler and that's- you know what, we better get to class...

Kate- good idea! Follow me!

[They walk into class]

[The tables are stacked on top of each other]

Master- [looks at John]

10- [looks at Koschei]

Master- we should have added a tunnel...

10- yes! or a little shop!

Master- no...that's dumb. What would we even put in it? And don't say crisps

10- but-

Master- don't

11- [bumps into a table] goodness me, where did that come from?

River- is a classroom. They often tend to have tables...

11- [rolls his eyes]

River- careful, don't want your eyes to hit your brain

11- t-that can happen?

River- oh yes

11- [scared]

Amy- Oi, Rory

Rory- hm? [Looks up from a book]

Amy- I dare you to run under the table fort-

Rory- [runs under, the tables come crashing down]

River- Rory! Watch your head!

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