The TARDIS~ Part One

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The next day

Donna- Rose...Rose wake up!

Rose- [groans]

Donna- Rose!

Sarah Jane- You only have *looks down at her watch* 10 minutes to get ready!

Rose- Ready for what? [pulls the covers over her face]

Donna- [pulls them back down]

Martha- The TARDIS!

Rose- The wha- oh...Oh! That's today?!

Sarah Jane- Today in...9 minutes!

Rose- [rushes out of bed] how does it work? Where am I supposed to go?

Donna- you might want to get dressed first, love

Rose- oh yeah [walks over to her wardrobe]

Sarah Jane- Steven is supposed to come and collect you. He didn't say any more than that...

Donna- should we be worried?

Martha- probably

Donna- Rose, promise you won't leave us for an alien planet...

Rose- [laughs] you have my word

Donna- good. I'd totally do the opposite though

Martha- er...Rude!

Sarah Jane- at least she's honest

Donna- it's one of my best qualities

Rose- D- do I look okay? [Walks over wearing a denim jacket covered in patches and pins, a disney logo shirt and jeans]

Donna- you look fabulous

Martha- Stunning

Sarah Jane- you look very pretty, Rose

Rose- Thanks guys

[There's a nock at the door]

Rose- [fidgets]

Donna- I hope you have a wonderful time, Rose. Keep an eye on John for me?

Rose- [nods]

Martha- you have to tell us ALL about it when you get back

Rose- Of course!

[She opens the door]

Steven- ready to go?

Rose- Mhm

Steven- [hands her a blindfold] I'm going to need you to put it on when we get past the classrooms

Rose- Er...okay

Donna- [Eyes Steven suspiciously]

Sarah Jane- Relax, Donna. He just doesn't want her to know the exact location

Donna- But then how am I supposed to get the location?

Martha- Your not...that's the point

Donna- well then...the system sucks!

[Room 102]

Clara- [on the phone] yes mum...I really love it here. It's...different. lots of interesting people! No mum, don't worry, I haven't got a boyfriend. I'm doing really well in class actually....

Missy- [watches her from her top bunk]

[Amy, Rory and River are all in the bathroom, chatting amongst themselves]

Clara- that's great mum! How's dad?  Y- yeah...of course I have friends... [She looks into the bathroom, not really sure] want to speak to them? [hesitates]

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