The First Page

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"Imagine a giant book with infinite pages, each page tells a story, it seems like a lot of them are basically identical to eachother aside from a single twist at the end, While others tell completely different stories that shouldn't even be a part of the same book.
You also find an unlimited number of languages you didn't know existed, that no one in your page knew existed.
Oh yeah, you're in this book too, and this book is called the multiverse.

Now, turn the page and you find us. Our story amongst the many."
That's what I was telling Rayen my best friend, not just out of being a geek.
Rayen was never much of a quantum physics guy, his genius was all directed to one field that happens to be code.
So it wasn't much of a surprise when he responded:
"And how exactly is this important?"
I looked at him for a second trying to read his face, I could tell he genuinely didn't get it.
And I don't blame him, no one else saw what happened at the the chamber of the eye of the universe.

Obviously he understood that it was scary, everyone did after they saw me build the safest city on the planet in only 5 years.
It was exactly 6 years ago when I used my knowledge of quantum fluctuations and quantum imagining to find an artifact that is of absolute power.
The eye of the universe gave who ever had it the power to observe everything within the quantum MULTIVERSE, but when I found it for  Sole I wasn't aware of just how much everything really is.
Sole was able to hear the hate, anger, jealousy and pain of every living creature to ever be even that will ever be.
He was also able to see every sin, every kill, every single mistake anyone could make.
It turned him from a great man who was meant to help people using the same artifact that gave him powers he plans to use to "destroy every piece of matter that could ever be".

So unlike every other person in my world, I knew that the only way I could ever hope to find Sole who's now calling himself "multismo" and stop him, is if I gain a power similar to his.
Rayen still didn't get that fully but at least he was still on board with helping me keep Terra-ct safe, the city is too big for me to keep every tank from being blown up, every security bot to keep the people safe...
And to keep the people from deciding that this isn't a safe Haven but a prison.
Perspective can shift easily.
And I am too busy with Alan In the lab trying to crack the code to observing the whole multiverse, so casually taking care of 5.2 million people all by myself is impossible.

Ofcourse I'm not fully by myself but I can't trust Rayen to run the place, I can only trust him with security.
"Alright it's time for your speech"
I hate speeches, I used to love them before I found out that I have no time for empty words even if they're truthful.

I get up out of my chair I've been sitting in for the past 3 hours rushing to the door.
Yet I pause right before closing the door:
"Hey Alan!"
Alan looks at me with the face I come to know too well, he clearly doesn't want to sit in the chair himself.
But I had no choice as I only trust him with a power source meant to power a device with the ability to transfer a truck all the way to another universe and keep everyone inside it alive.
"Could you run diagnostics on the core?"
Understandably he wouldn't want to and like every other human being he tried finding an excuse to delay.
"I'm working on your Bot right now!" Was the best be can come up with, and to be fair it is a good excuse, it's no easy task to make a robot capable of accepting a real person's consciousness while also elevating it with its own super advanced artificial intelligence.

But I still knew that finding Multismo was at the highest priority, having that bot would accelerate that process, which is why I let him work on it whenever I'm doing what I do best, quantum physics.
But as I told him "it's more important to us that the power source works, the bot can be worked on when I'm back."

He reluctantly accepted, Alan was never really into this line of work.
He only does it out of the need to be around his friends, and since most of us grew apart after Multismo's incident, the only part he can hold on to was me, Rayen and Sam, better known as Black Dash.

I finally close the door leaving him alone In the lab, I couldn't help but revise my speech over and over again on the way to the event.
And this time Rayen fully understood the weight of this situation, if the public doesn't feel both safe and free they will start leaving the one place that might be able to protect them from Multismo.
He puts his hand on my shoulder and i can hear the love and sincerity in his voice:
"You've been making speeches for what seems like your whole life Dalien.
You got this brother."

He's words aren't as strong as mine but knowing that he's sincere gives me the push I needed to finally open the car door and step into the back side of the central park.
With determination fueling my every muscle down to the bones, I step out from the curtains to meet the applauds of citizens, people who put thiere faith in me to protect them from the worst possible outcomes.
And so does the speech start:
"Thank you" the clapping comes to a halt...
"Truly thank you all for being here today!
Coming to celebrate 5 years of what this city stands for, what it took to get here!
Millions of people in the crowd right now came here back when this place could barely be calcified as a village.
Risking thiere lives in hopes that when They're done... They can call themselves citizens of the safest city in the wo-"
Before I finished what is now the most ironic part of my speech, a loud explosion is heard in the distance.

Everyone was confused, not scared they still had faith in the safety of this place.
But I knew what this was, this was my biggest fear coming to realty, "enjoy the party everyone!" I say I'm my best impression of a calm and happy leader, it worked as everyone went back to enjoying the food stands and no one noticed me rushing out and calling Black Dash.
"It's your lab" was the first thing I hear when he answers, my heart sinks into my chest I almost stopped breathing, I know I have to save Alan.
"Alan!" I tell lightning "already out, there's no fires and most of your lab is surprisingly fine." Before I could sigh out of relief my breath is cut short.
"But Alan is definitely not going to make it from what I can see."

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