Nightmare meets Visionary!

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Universe found- [Code name:- Branch Timeline] [Powers:- Quirks] 

The scene opens in the conference room with several high-ranking heroes, covered in casts and bandages and looking worse for wear, sitting around along with the government officials, gazing up at the television screen.

"There is definitely something big going on," Hawks remarked, intrigued by the scene unfolding on the screen. "You normally wouldn't see these two groups of people sitting together."

"Indeed. This gathering does look odd," Ryukyu chimed in, agreeing with Hawks. "However, I am more curious about the state those heroes are in. It looks like they were recently involved in some major operation."

"Whatever it is, we will find out soon anyway," Rumi remarked casually, with a shrug.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is official! The destroyer of the Might Tower and the man responsible for the obliteration of Deika City, Ground Zero..." On the television screen, an image of Bakugo in his villain attire, resembling his hero gear but appearing significantly more ragged and menacing, with a feral grin on his face, was displayed.

There was silence for a moment as people in the auditorium stared at the screen and digested the information, as well as the picture displayed on the screen, especially on the heroes' side, where some found it very hard to absorb what was shown.

Meanwhile, there were various kinds of reactions on the villains' side. Many, like All for One, looked at the boy on the screen with keen interest. Others found the heroes' reactions amusing and their shock humorous. Lastly, the former MLA members seethed with anger at the mention of Deika City's destruction.

Finally, the tense silence was shattered by the maniacal laughter of none other than Tomura Shigaraki. "I knew it! That blonde brat was destined for villainy!" he exclaimed, panting with excitement.

"Shut the fuck up, Crusty!" Bakugo snapped, fuming with anger, which only fueled Shigaraki's amusement. Then he turned towards his side of the people and yelled, "This universe is stupid! I will never become a villain!"

"Calm down, Bakugo," Aizawa interjected, letting out a tired sigh. "Just like we told Midoriya, these alternate universes do not represent you."

"He is right, young man," All Might added. "These are just possibilities that have not come true in our universe and will give us a chance to work so it doesn't in the future as well," he said, and Bakugo finally calmed down enough to sit down, still fuming with anger, however.

During all of this commotion, however, there was one green-haired boy who sat there in silence, still stunned by the fact that Might Tower was destroyed and that too by none other than Kacchan, who was equally zealous about All Might-related stuff as he was.

"...has accepted the challenge for a fight from none other than our beloved heroine, the vanquisher of Shie Hassaika and the terror brought on by their quirk-erasing bullets, as well as All Might's successor, 'The American Nightmare' Sentinelia!" This time, the television screen displayed a picture of Melissa Shield in her hero attire: a pristine white costume with a white cape adorned with a regal-looking shield featuring nine stars.

"Look, Dad! It's me!" Melissa shrieked in glee while pointing at the screen. "I am a Hero, Dad! And I look so cool!"

"That you do, my dear daughter," David nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

"And my hero name, 'Sentinelia,' like a guardian. I really like that," Melissa nodded while still looking at the screen, etching the image of herself as a hero into her mind.

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