A gift from the Unkown!

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It has been a few days since the joint training between classes 1A and 1B, and Nezu was sitting in his office, reviewing the footage of the matches, when suddenly he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in," Nezu said as he paused the footage. Then the door opened, and Hound Dog peeked his head inside.

"Principal, this package arrived in the mail. It says that it's for you," Hound Dog said while showing him the package.

"For me?" Nezu wondered and gestured for Hound Dog to place the box on his desk. After Hound Dog left, Nezu checked the box for any potential threats. Once he was sure that the box contained nothing that could potentially harm him or his school, he opened the package.

Inside the package, he found a blueprint, a mechanical part he had never seen before, and a letter. Nezu set aside the blueprint and the mechanical part, then began to read the letter.

[Dear Nezu, Principal of U.A High School,

I understand that numerous questions must be swirling in your mind since you received that package, and I also assume you have already seen the contents of the package. So, without further delay, I will come straight to the point.

Time, Space, Reality—it's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibilities, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds. The blueprint and the part I have sent you will allow you to observe those vast numbers of realities.

Now, the choice is yours. You can dismiss this disc and letter as some kind of prank and discard them, or you can take this as an opportunity to watch and study many universes different from yours.

By the way, to watch these realities, you will need an anchor around whom these universes revolve, and that anchor is none other than Izuku Midoriya, the successor of the man you call your friend.

Well then, that is all I have to convey at the moment.

Yours truly,

Grey, The Overseer of the Multiverse.]

Upon reading the letter, Nezu went into deep thought, pondering what he had just read. The idea of a multiverse, alternate realities, and the concept of branching choices intrigued him. Nezu had always been a logical thinker, but this was far beyond the realm of his previous encounters.

The principal's thoughts turned toward the potential benefits of understanding these alternate realities. He considered all the knowledge they could gain from the successes and failures of other universes. However, he couldn't ignore the potential risks involved. What if this was all part of a deliberate plan to deceive them into creating something harmful? Still, he couldn't suppress his curiosity, so he sighed and made a phone call.

"Maijima, please come to my office and bring Yagi with you," Nezu said before ending the call. He glanced out of the window and observed Class 1A engaging in their physical drills in the courtyard. His gaze fixed on a particular green-haired kid who was running alongside his classmates. 'An anchor, huh? You appear to be quite an intriguing individual, Izuku Midoriya,' he thought, a smirk playing across his lips and a curious gleam in his eyes.


A few days elapsed, and then, on a specific day, a diverse assembly of individuals converged at U.A. High School. Among them were U.A. students, their families, and a selection of pro heroes, primarily those within Nezu's trusted network. In addition, there were outsiders unaffiliated with U.A., such as Lady Nagent, Cathleen Bate, also known as Star & Stripes, and the Shield father and daughter duo. They occupied seats in the school auditorium, patiently anticipating Nezu's appearance.

As the minutes ticked by, whispers and hushed conversations filled the air, saturated with speculation about the purpose of this gathering. Some speculated about its connection to recent villain activity, while others pondered the possibility of new training programs or initiatives.

At last, the doors at the front of the auditorium swung open, revealing Principal Nezu's entrance. Beside him were Yagi and Power Loader. The room gradually hushed as all eyes turned toward them. Nezu strode to the center of the stage, with the other two following suit. He cleared his throat, his gaze sweeping across the assembled crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, students of U.A. High School, and esteemed pro heroes," Nezu began, his voice carrying with it a gravity that commanded attention. "I have gathered you all here today to show you something that will blow your mind."

The words echoed through the auditorium, capturing the attention of everyone present.

"In front of us," Nezu continued, "lies a discovery that challenges everything we know about our world and the very nature of reality itself. A few days ago, I received a letter—an invitation, if you will—from someone who claims to be an overseer of the multiverse." He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. "This overseer has bestowed upon us an opportunity to observe the myriad realities that coexist with our own," he stated, unveiling a machine connected to the expansive screen behind him.

Murmurs and exchanged glances spread through the crowd, a mixture of surprise and skepticism.

"Nezu, do you realize how absurd that sounds?" Endeavor asked.

"Of course, I do, but my primary concern lies in the potential results if the claims made by that entity hold any truth," Nezu replied. "Now, the question is, how many of you are willing to give this concept a chance?" Nezu inquired. "However, before we proceed, I would like to offer all of you the opportunity to leave if you believe that remaining here would be a waste of your time."

Nezu offered the option, yet surprisingly, no one chose to leave. Their curiosity was triumphing over skepticism regarding the entire matter. Once Nezu was confident that no one intended to depart, he proceeded to the next phase of the procedure. "Midoriya, could you please step forward?"

"Huh!? Me?" Izuku asked, pointing to himself as everyone's eyes turned towards him.

"Yes, indeed, Midoriya. You are an integral part of this procedure," Nezu said, surprising many in the audience. "You see, Midoriya, the entity that contacted me also indicated that you are an anchor, around which this multiverse revolves. That's why we require your imprint to access those other universes."

"Bullshit! If that nerd is important, then so am I," Bakugo declared as he walked towards the enigmatic machine. "Explain to me how this stupid thing works!"

"Hey, brat! Come back-"

"It's alright, Mrs. Bakugo. Let him give it a try," Nezu said. "Bakugo, all you need to do is scan your hand on that device over there."

"Watch me!" Bakugo declared, placing his hand on the device.


Error: Anchor not found...

"Stupid machine!" Bakugo grumbled, walking back to his seat when he realized that the machine wasn't accepting him as the anchor. Nezu then placed his own hand on the device, and unsurprisingly, it displayed the same response it had with Bakugo.

"Now, Midoriya, why don't you give it a try," Nezu suggested. Izuku walked toward the machine, hesitated for a moment, then placed his hand on the device. This time, a different reaction occurred.


Success: Anchor found...

Immediately, the large screen sprang to life.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to this unparalleled experience. Here, you will witness a multitude of universes—some similar to your own, others distinct. In some, magic is a prevalent force, while in others, neither quirks nor superpowers exist. The sole thread that binds all these universes is the presence of remarkable individuals, your counterparts, who have accomplished feats beyond your imagination. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare to see the worlds that will make you happy, sad, angry, and confused but most importantly they will blow your minds.

To be continued...

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