Joseph Seed!

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Universe found- [Code name:- Far Cry] [Powers:- Null]

"Well, that's a weird name," Aizawa commented, glancing at Principal Nezu. "Also, what does 'null' mean?"

"Let's see," Nezu said, inspecting the tag. "It says that 'null' means the universe we are about to watch lacks any kind of powers," Nezu continued. Many in the audience appeared disappointed upon hearing that, although they refrained from voicing their opinions, especially Jeansist, who had already experienced Melissa's wrath firsthand.

The scene opens with Yu, Torino, Ochako, and Shinso standing outside a wooden door. Then, text appears on the screen: [U.S. Marshal = Yu Takeyama (Mt. Lady)] [Sheriff of Hope County = Gran Torino] [Deputy = Ochako Uraraka] [The Junior Deputy = Hitoshi Shinso].

The individuals appearing on the screen regarded it with interest and intrigue in their eyes.

"Oh! I look good in a cop uniform!" Yu exclaimed, admiring herself on the screen.

"Hmm... my other self looks just a few years away from retirement," Gran mused while rubbing his chin. "Well, at least the other me would be able to enjoy a quiet life."

"I guess, even if I am not a hero, I am still trying to help people," Ochako said, sporting a bright smile. Her mother and father smiled as they looked at their little girl with pride.

Shinso remained quiet, observing his on-screen self who didn't appear as sleep-deprived as he was.

Yu moves to open the gate with one hand on his gun, but Torino stops her. "Woah Marshal. Now we do it, we do it my way. Quietly," Torino warns him. "Calmly. You got it?"

"Fine," Yu says, rolling his eyes.

Now this got everyone's attention. Even if the people on the screen weren't heroes, they were still law enforcement. So, what reason would they have to be this cautious? It's one thing if this were a raid, but looking at the officers on the screen, that doesn't seem to be the case either.

"Uraraka, on the door. Watch our backs. Don't let any of these people get in," Torino instructs, then he glances at Shinso. "Rookie on me."

"He seems unreasonably cautious, wouldn't you agree?" Endeavor remarked as he tried to analyze the situation on the screen.

"Yeah, that does appear to be the case," Ryukyu concurred. "Moreover, the directive he issued to Uraraka... it suggests that there's more to the situation than we're aware of. Something that's making that old man this cautious."

He then turns toward Yu, "And you. Just try not to do anything stupid."

"Relax, Sheriff. You're about to get your name in the paper," Yu remarks, placing her hand on Torino's shoulder.

"Their attitudes are quite contrasting," Momo pondered aloud. "Ms. Lady appears notably more at ease compared to the rest."

"That's because my other self is just as confident in her abilities as I am," Yu replied, wearing a confident grin.

"Or maybe she is as oblivious regarding important things, just like you," Pixie-Bob quipped, flashing a teasing grin as Yu shot her a glare.

"You'll be fine," Ochako reassures Shinso as she turns to watch their backs.

A smile graced Ryukyu's face as she observed Uraraka's attempt to reassure her junior, a gesture she herself often tries to teach while mentoring her interns.

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