Ch-9 Dear diary, fuck life.

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"Close the light." Hanni said. She had just changed her clothes and have come back from the bathrooms.

"Close them yourself." Minji retorted, staring at her phone.

"Do you not have arms or something? I think you heard me clearly. Turn it off." And now she was pissed, great.

Minji sighed. "I dont mind sleeping with the lights on, not sure about you."

"Wow you really are stubborn, no wonder you only have three friends."

"It's me that wants three friends, not the whole school to be friends with me. At least I don't only care about what people think about me."

"Me? Care? When did that ever happen? If anything I pity you, imagine still not having your first kiss from a man at your age," Hanni was the one to say that. She didn't like men anyways so who cares?

"Oh well, atleast I don't like men that'd cheat on me in any chance they've got."

Was she referring to Yeonjun?

"Well you know what? At least I have a set of parents that actually give a fuck about me!" She spat.

Oh... that's too far.

"..." Minji looked down, almost ashamed, how would she even reply to that? It's not like she's wrong.

But she thinks Hanni realized how fucked up that sounded because her expressions fell for a moment. "...That was a bit far... I'm sorry I said that." Oh?

Turns out she has empathy after all.

She got under the blanket. "Yeah well, make sure to keep your mouth shut next time."

"I'm trying to apologize and you're telling me to shut up?" Hanni scoffed, should've stayed silent.

"Can't you see I'm trying to sleep? Close the lights yourself and stop talking." She said harshly.

"If you're so adamant on me shutting up then why don't u make me yourself?" Hanni replied with an emphasis on 'me' she was almost shouting at this point.

Minji got up. She was staring directly into Hanni's eyes, was this supposed to be some kind of flirting or is she trying to intimidate her? Hanni doesn't know, but she's trying her best to not let her eyes roam around her face, thoes eyes, the ones that were staring back at hers.

"Are you done?" Minji said tiredly.

Hanni had now just noticed the dark circles under her eyes, she looks tired. But now she was looking at her face, or more like admiring her features, her lips were... perfect. No, she was perfect, that's why she was looking, of course that's why...

The tent opened in one swift motion, which caught both of them off guard.

Shit, they got caught "Girls, what have I said before about talking at these kind of hours?" Their teacher said. Hanni and Minji looked back at each other.

"If I hear your voices one more time you will not be participating in tomorrow's activities, got it?" She sternly added.

"Yes ma'am," both said in a low tone.

"Lights out, and no talking." She closed the tent.

"You heard her, so stop talking or I'll actually have make you shut up in another way." Minji was talking harshly once again.

"W-whatever, weirdo." She stumbled on her words, what did she mean by another way?


Dear diary, to be honest I've never written Dear diary like this, I feel like it's a childish thing to do, but oh well, I'm too lazy to write out a decent opening

I'm loosing interest, in everything. Life, ice skating, getting up in the morning to drink my daily coffee, eating out with the group, it's all feels so frustrating to even think about doing so

I don't know where I went wrong. I studied all week and didn't have time to think about what I've been feeling, but thinking about it now, I feel like I wish that I was never born, just being in this world full of pathetic insensitive beings deprives the soul out of me, if there is any soul left within me

I'm starting to notice the little things that I hate about myself, like my looks and behavior, my smile and all of my belongings, it's like I want to throw everything I know. I want to get rid of it

It's starting to get worse

I often think about just doing it

I'm tired, always so tired when wanting a way out and thinking it's all done, it comes back way worse, and my parents aren't helping, as always. I think I tried everything, even got prescribed antidepressants, yet they only make me feel numb? Idk I hate them. It doesn't make me feel like myself

I've been struggling to sleep, as per usual, maybe slept for like three hours today, I think I have insomnia or something, need to get that checked I guess

But tbh, at this point I'm too desperate, I'm not even sure. If something happens that cheers me up, I'll take that as the universe telling me to shut up and keep living a little longer

The scars on my skin are beginning to itch again, most of them are healed, but they still show, though I'm beginning to regain the temptation of making new lines on my body.

I am not sure what point I serve in life, though I don't want to be a failure, yet I also don't want to die overworked and overwhelmed. I am certain that my being is a waste of space and my life is worth nothing but I'm still here, serving no purpose other than living

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