Ch-4 Mondays

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Minji hated Mondays. Mostly because she needed to wait another five days before it's the weekend, she even considers them bad luck. But lately, she feels like Mondays may not be as bad as she thought.

On Mondays, she shared classes with the girl that succeeds to irritate her every time she comes in contact with. But lately as well, she noticed that she seemed to be more... upset? Whenever Minji's with interacting with another student, or when she's talking to someone. She looks at her as if she was going to pull her throat out if she keeps talking, which actually intimidated her for a moment,

Why was her gaze so intense?

She sat next to Lia today, she was a sweet girl, she couldn't deny that. She'd smile to her occasionally since she always has a smile on her face, and Minji was attempting to match her energy. But in hindsight, after she only noticed Hanni, stabbing her pencil onto the poor desk while throwing daggers from her eyes, switching her gaze from her to Lia, completely fixated on their interactions.

"Does Hanni have a staring problem or something?" Minji had asked Yeji, walking to the cafeteria, her mind was so busy with what thoes stares meant. The class had just ended, and she thanked god it went by a little faster this time, Hanni was throwing her off and she just wanted to escape from her stares.

"A staring problem? Why, what happened?" maybe it was because of their interaction in the closet? Because she tried to be a good person, does she hate her more now or what? She's confusing her with that attitude.

"She's been staring at me and Lia the whole time, I'm wondering what she's up to."

"Lia? Oh yeah, that cute freshman. I don't know why she'd care enough to fixate on you both." Not care enough my ass.

"Wish I was there to see it. Bet you guys would look so cute together." She continued. ...huh?

"Excuse me?" Her eyes widened.

"You'd make a good couple, who am I to lie?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Me and Hanni? I'd rather hang myself before you will see me look at her that way. She's too..." She darted, she didn't know what made Hanni so special, she was just... pretty, that's why she'd find herself looking at her, yeah that's definitely it.

"Too what?" She questioned her.

"Grumpy? I'm not sure." Maybe grumpy wouldn't be the word, she wanted to say more, she just didn't find the appropriate words.

"Yeah right. Oh and do you know where Ning is? I've been trying to call her since second period, I saw her at the morning but I have no idea where she escaped now."

"She always disappears somewhere, just give her some time and she'll be back." Minji said. Entering through cafeteria's doors. "I need to go to the bathroom, can you order for me?" Minji asked.

"Sure." She answered, heading to the line of students.

Minji was in the stall when she heard them.

"No stop, we shouldn't be doing this..." Was this...Ningning? Now hold on.

"Why not? We're alone here." That was Aeri, her eyes widened, so that's where she was gone. They weren't in a stall or anything, they were just in the open, so reckless, as they usually are.

She tried her best to hear whatever none sense and flirty jabber they were having. But Minji's not mad or angry, if anything she finds it to be a relief, she doesn't have to listen to her talks about how hot Aeri is and how beautiful her eyes looked again, she was getting sick of it.

"I need to get back, they were calling me. We've been gone for way too long, I need to see them." She said.

"Well... same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but don't expect me to skip two periods again," She chuckled.

"Go back to the cafeteria, I'll see you tomorrow." Aeri said, as she heard some shuffling noise and their voices fading, I guess they did get out.

And now Minji she doesn't know what to do with that piece of information she has.


"Hey... uhm Ning can I talk to you?" Their classes has just ended, and while she was waiting for her driver to pick her up, she was waiting with her friend.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" She averted her eyes from her screen.

"Today, in the bathroom..." Minji haven't even ended the sentence, but she could see the color drain from her friend's face, her expression fell while her eyes widened.

"You heard us... I knew it was a mistake." She continued on her behalf, she looked disappointed, taking a deep breathe as she was trying to contain herself.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Since that stupid game at the party," She exhaled in frustration.

"Hey Ning, Look at me. I'm not mad or anything. I'm just happy for you guys. Though you do need to come to practice with me so I don't 'accidentally' have to tell Yeji and Haerin." said Minji.

"You're actually fine with us?" She questioned.

"Why wouldn't I? I don't hate her, I hate Hanni, which is a totally different thing. She just happen to be friends with her," Minji tries to smile in order to lift the other girls mood up.

"Thank you Minji," She smiled.

"Of course, you're my best friend after all." She wrapped her arms around her.

As Ningning got her hands off of her, she's never been a fan of skin ship. "Get your hands off of me."

She pouted "But you weren't complaining when Aeri had her arms around you?" And that made Ning elbow her, hitting her hard in her abdomen, making tge kther girl wince in pain.

"Okay maybe you didn't have to go that hard," She said, grabbing her side. She can see the car getting closer from afar.

"You're coming with me right?"

"Yeah, of course."

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