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And read till the end, it's worth reading I assure you.

Let me know in the comments how y'all felt, and if Eiran did the right thing OR NOT????


Trust is earned.

But what if the trust is broken by your loved ones? Will you be able to trust someone ever again?

Amara Monroe 

The bandage must've moved because of the jerky movement I did while coming to wipe his face off and now, this shit hurts like hell. 

Can't I just transfer my pain to someone else?

I exhaled a shaky breath as I looked down at the stain on my pajamas. It's not a lot, just a round amoeba like shape has been formed but the thing is that I can't remove my pajama here while Eiran is just in front of me, boring holes into my soul. 

A few minutes ago while I was settled on his lap, tears had dwelled up in my eyes due to the stinging pain which was increasing rapidly making it hard for me to even sit let alone walk. That's when he offered his hand, insisting me to accept his help but I denied it. 

I know better than to fall for his fake concerns. Of course I do not trust him, I never will. Because never after turning a teenager, have I trusted anyone. Not even my family. As I said, trust is earned and none of the people that I met, earned it. Duh! They didn't even try to earn my trust. Except for my besties who are close to me but know only those things that I want them to know.

The question is, How can I trust Eiran--- the person I met just this morning? No doubt he's good, caring and all..but I just can't get myself to trust him so soon.

"Ouch." A scream left my mouth when I tried taking my purse which had pills in them, but it was at the other end of the corner which made it hard for me to grab it. 

My eyes snapped shut from the pain that the shards gave. Crap! It's burning a lot now. I need to remove my pajamas and see how bad the wound has gotten. "Eiran?" I moved my chin up to look at him, only to feel more guilty and to forget the reason why I called his name.

He is standing near the end of the bed, right in front of my eyes, with his hands folded across his chest and hurt evident in his eyes. He's hurt because of me. 

When I mentioned that I denied his help, I didn't deny it just by saying a simple "no." 

Few minutes back~

"Let go of me." I retorted, struggling to be free from his hold. From his hand that's providing me support from the back. 

"Never in a million lifetimes." He replied moving his gaze from my blood stains to my eyes. 

I gulped listening to him, did he even realise what he said? Does he even think before speaking?

Eiran raised his hand in the air making me flinch and closing my eyes as a reflex to his action. Is he going to slap me? My grip tightened on my pajama with my eyes still close, waiting for the slap to land on my face.

I shouldn't have asked him to take his hand from my waist in such a harsh voice. My past nightmares started rushing back to me and.. I..I waited for the slap biting my lips hardly. 

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