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Jesse's P.O.V

I yawned, another day I thought. I got up and headed downstairs. I ate some pumpkin pie which Stacy gave me yesterday for helping her out. It was pretty sweet and gooey.


"Nobody's awake yet?!"

I was pretty surprised, I'm usually one of the last ones awake. (Other than Axel) Although Olivia is probably outside, maybe everyone is awake...I just didn't notice.

Axel came looking as fresh as ever. With a blond boy scribbling notes, Lukas.

"Jesse! Oh man,! I was going to eat that pumpkin pie, it looked delicious."

"Heh, sure it's! Anyways Petra and Olivia are awake right?"

Axel chuckled.

"Yea, course they are. Don't think you'd be awake so early these days-"

Well, Axel had a clear point, with all the stress and chaos lately, I don't get much sleep.

"Morning Lukas! What'cha scribbling there?"

Lukas seemed like he was zoned out, and just snapped out of it.

"Huh!? Oh! Sorry, Good Morning Jesse, I was just writing some ideas yeah."

"Don't try to hide it Lukas, new book?"

Lukas gave a nervous giggle.

"Heh, yep new book, can't help it."

Lukas has been making many new books, without anything to do, I guess he can't help it. But he is getting even better at writing!

All of a sudden someone smacked the kitchen door open, it was Petra with a massive grin, as well as Olivia behind her.

"Petra, you didn't need to smack the door open. I know you're excited- but calm down." [Olivia]

Petra ignored her and refused to ruin her excitement.

"Everyone, on the table! I've got some exciting news!!!" [Petra]

"Uh-huh, let me guess...a new place for a new adventure?" I said, when Petra's excited, it usually has something to do with adventure.



Crispy Forests? Why does that name sound familiar though I wondered.

"Why do they always have the most dramatic, yet most awkward names...?" [Lukas]

"Ehhhhh, I don't know- but that doesn't matter because this is our new adventure!" [Petra]

"Sounds like an interesting place. Let's go!" Axel exclaimed.

"I mean we're all free right, so why not?" I replied.

"WOO HOOO!" Petra screeched.


We were ready for this new mini adventure, Lukas smiled. I could tell he was excited to write more stories about us, it made him happy; with 2 of his favourite things in the world, his Best Friends and Writing.

Petra suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So uh, I don't really know what we are going to do or find there, but apparently it's a special place, quite dangerous too. So let's get going guys!" [Petra]

I facepalmed after that.

Once that was over, we wasted no time to get to our destination. Beacontown was filled with happy citizens, waving and/or smiling towards us. A man around our age came up to us, "Oh! You guys are going on a new adventure, it's been awhile since I saw you guys go out together.." he shrugged shyfully.

"Ha I know, but when you got Petra you know she'll be pulling us into danger all the time." I giggled. "Mhm! Won't disrupt you guys, hope you'll have fun!" he said quickly and rushed off. Petra was going to lead the way with a map, which I suppose she got from Jack and Nurm.

"Alright, this way guys!" Petra said as she pointed to the left. We usually went to the right side for an adventure, so it was nice to go to a place you don't check out as often. We walked for about 1 hour & 15 minutes, we made it to the 'Crispy Forests' it was a peaceful place without much life around, everything was pretty natural, although I am expecting something to happen at any moment though so I keep my brain alert.


At that moment these sort of monsters came out, they weren't normal mobs though... That was a weird thing about them.



Everything was happening so fast, as I kept on swaying and slashing my sword. Although there weren't many of those monsters it was difficult; it kind of reminded me of when me and Petra fought those charged creepers, these monsters are that powerful. There's lots of commotion, I could hear Olivia's and Lukas's bows shooting around, Axel shouting, "POW!" and "HiYAAA!'s" Mine and Petra's swords clashing and clinking. I eventually realized that we won't be able to stop these monsters that easily.


I shouted loud enough over the commotion, even the monster seemed to kinda hear; I could tell because they somewhat turned their attention to me when I exclaimed my opinion. Odd.


I observed our surroundings so I could make a plan, lucky for me I noticed that the monsters were coming from inside the forest, we have to stop it from there. There could be a sort of spawner... well maybe not that exactly-

I pushed another zombie-looking mob away from me, I could see the bunch of trees that they were coming from. There were 2 bigger trees in front of the rest, maybe we could try to use those to block the path. I and Petra could use our swords to sizzle the tree trunks so that they'll fall and block those mobs' path! Since I got my plan settled I decided to let my friends know.

"Alright, guys-pant I have a plan-" [Jesse]

"Of course you do- pant Well? What is it-" [Petra]

"Okay, so there- I pointed towards the 2 bigger trees Petra, you and me- pant and we can try to cut those trees off, to block their path. The rest of you, can hold off the rest of them, yeah?" [Jesse]

"Alright, we're on it!" [Axel]

I and Petra ran towards the trees, while Axel and the others stayed around there to hold off the monsters.

"I got the left one! You go for the right!" [Petra]

I nodded and placed my sword against the bottom of the tree trunk, and startled to cut the tree. My progress wasn't the best but it was enough. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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