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The Bio-Ship took the skies of the Caribbean Sea, transporting the Young Justice to their first assignment.

|Caribbean Sea

|June 22. 20:08 ECT

Aurora sat next to Kid Flash, giving her a charming smile, "First assignment jitters, huh?"

She smiled at him politely, "Pardon me, but I do not understand what you're saying."

"Hello! She's from another world, KF. She won't understand you." Robin reminded his teammate.

The ginger-haired teen only rolled his eyes, "Yeah? So? I bet Miss Aurora here can understand the signals I'm sending~" Robin only narrowed his gaze at his friend's antics.

Aqualad was the one to explain, "He meant if you were nervous. It is your first assignment with all of us."

Aurora glanced at Aqualad, "I see. Thank you very much, Aqualad," the said Atlantean nodded in return. She noticed Superboy staring at her but said nothing about it.

Turning back to the Kid Flash, the mystic hero replied, "I guess you could say that. But I think we'll do fine as long as we stay as a team."

Miss Martin smiled her way, "Yeah, I couldn't have said it any better, Aurora!"

The said hero was happy that what she said was worthwhile, "It's simply nothing, M'gann."

"We're approaching Santa Prisca," M'gann informed the team, controlling the Bio-Ship.

*A few hours earlier.*

The Young Justice Team was situated at the Mount of Justice, a previous headquarters of the Justice League before their base in space.

Red Tornado has appeared to announce something to the team with Batman. Dick looked at his mentor, "Batman. Does this mean you have a mission for us, finally?" He asked the vigilante.

Hearing this, the rest of the team showed up to hear what the subject was. Batman only stared at his protege, "Before we get onto that. Red Tornado and I have something to tell you all. Follow me."

In front of the Zeta-Tube, Red Tornado spoke to the team, "As your Den-Mother. I am delighted to announce someone you all should meet."

Recognized, B-07 Aurora.

A young woman appeared from the Zeta-Tube in normal clothing.

Wally West, mostly known as Kid Flash went to get some food, arriving late to the meeting, "Sorry! I had to find some food," he turned to the team and the Leaguers in apology before accidentally bumping into someone.

"Are you alright?" Aurora questioned in worry. Being the person who the Kid Flash bumped into.

He held his head, "Ouch...Y-Yeah, I should be fi-" he stopped speaking when seeing her. The woman smiled kindly to the heroic teen.

"I-You...Uhm-I...!" He stumbled on his words but the girl only tilted her head innocently.

Robin, aka Dick Grayson, facepalmed at Wally's stupor, "That is so embarrassing...I mean, how could he just stand there when a person is asking them if they're okay-" he stopped mumbling when looking over Wally's shoulders to spot the woman his friend bumped into.

"W-Whoa..." Batman's sidekick had his mouth agape at the person who was the center of his vision.

Batman narrowed his eyes at Robin, who only stared at the newcomer before Kaldur'ahm had to nudge his side a little, "O-Oh! S-Sorry!"

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