51. Shadows and Cuffs

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I vanished from the little apartment to appear under the canopy next to my treehouse. Even in only the dim light of my permanent orbs the bright yellow had visibly turned a little darker after the previous weather fluctuations, but with a wave of my hand it was back, the rain water and leaves vanishing in the blink of an eye.

I sucked in a sharp breath of air before releasing it slowly. As I pulled on the magic to summon... anything, my eyes closed and in the back of my mind floated something new, yet at the same time, familiar.

"Hello?" I called to the floating spectre before me, but it did not turn, nor did it acknowledge my presence. "Shadow?"

"Yes?" Came a wispy voice from in front of me, causing me to blink open my eyes and recoil slightly, yet not in fear. The illuminating orbs floating above me had obliterated any chance of a shadow, yet on the floor before me, there one was.

The dark mass stretched out and grew before shifting into a familiar shape as from my shadow emerged... "My shadow?" I whispered, my head tilting at the sight of her white eyes. Emerging from her was not wispy smoke trails like Pan's, mine instead rippled and flowed, like water. "I don't remember making you?"

The being before me shook her head. "Pan made me long ago. For something he called emergencies."

I paused and blinked twice as I attempted to think back. My first day on the island was so long ago now, that Pan could have made her at any time. I shook my head gently and swallowed hard. "I am sorry we have not met sooner." She only bowed her head in response as she floated, almost vanishing into the inky blackness of the night behind her. "Pan's shadow." She nodded slowly again, this time adding a gesture to indicate for me to continue. "Do you know where he hid the dark one dagger?" She shook her head slowly causing me to close my eyes and sigh.

"But I can find out."

I opened my eyes again and blinked at her words as she waited for my answer. I licked my lips and used my shirt to fan myself. Despite the evening breeze and the thin fabric of my shirt, the weather had seemed to have gotten hotter.

"I apologise."

I tilted my head at my shadow and furrowed my brows. "Why?"

"My absence has caused you to become unable to regulate the hot climate."

I blinked at her again as I came to the realisation that I had always felt colder after that night on the ship. The night when half the lost boys died and I nearly succumbed to infection after Pan had stabbed me. The night of the rough waves and lightning, the night Felix caught me after I collapsed. Thinking of Felix caused me to blush a little too warmly, resulting in me fanning myself once more.

"Nevermind me. Do you really think you could find the dagger?" She nodded. "And, Pan's shadow?" She nodded again. "I would appreciate it, thank you." She bowed slightly before floating off into the evening sky, leaving me decidedly warmer from her absence.

I appeared back in the Charming's apartment admittedly a little sweatier than planned. My shirt was almost soaked through with sweat before I magically changed it to another. As I switched shirts, my gaze remained locked on the table in the middle of the room, upon it was the map, and around that, were all the lost boys.

"... and then you two are going to be placed here..." Felix continued before side eyeing me and winking. "...no funny business with the ropes."

Devin scoffed and folded his arms across his chest. "Says you having funny business with-" He never managed to finish his sentence, James having silenced the boy with a rather swift punch to the gut. Devin had grunted and turned to the boy to berate him, but a shared glare from myself and all the other lost boys stopped him in his tracks.

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