20. You Have To Believe

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After taking some time and a walk to cool down, I made my way to the dock where a boat was sitting, as if waiting for me. I took it and started to row until I realised the little boat had started to move itself exactly in the direction I had wanted to go. I got to the ship a few moments later, hearing the call of a lookout from the crow's nest announcing my arrival.

The first hand that grabbed me was that of my father's, pulling me in effortlessly for a tight hug. He held on for a few seconds, confusing me even more. "It hasn't been a few days since you saw me... has it?" My father shook his head against my arm, his own arms somehow squeezing tighter.

Hook reached forward to pat me awkwardly on the shoulder "We are sorry for what happened after Pan named you his queen lass. We-"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?!" I snapped, causing my father to jump back out of our embrace. "Only yesterday he released me from a locked treehouse and now I'm being told that I'm his queen. On top of that, my new boots are filthy. I have twice as many scars and apparently Pan stabbed me?!"

All the pirates surrounding me stared at me as if I was crazy and finally I felt the sting of tears in my eyes, the confusion being too much. My father squinted at me as his brow furrowed. "Annie." He said as he rested his hand timidly on my arm. "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" I asked, exasperatedly.

"Everything, lass." The captain answered, stepping towards me. "It's been weeks since we saw you last. You legged it off the ship once Benny here begged you to leave the island. And of course the unpleasantness surrounding that day, we have regretted it ever since.

I opened my mouth and closed it repeatedly a few times as I attempted to process the information I had been given. "So... Pan and I...?"

Hook sighed and nodded. "It appeared that way lass. Him and that Felix one."

"Both of them?!" I gasped, my jaw dropping almost to the floor. The captain stepped forward and used his hook to shut my jaw with a snap before handing me his personal flask of rum. I went to take a swig until something told me otherwise. "Thanks, but I need a clear head. Speaking of Pan and Felix, they're missing, and something tells me the island will not be the better for it."

The captain grinned. "I know that I will be though, lass." His admission eliciting a cheer from the rest of the crew.

"The lost boys, they will need someone to take care of them in an emergency." I reminded him as Hook sighed.

My father stepped forward with a nodding head. "If the island does fall, then the boys will be able to provide trade for safe passage."

"Where are you going then?" Hook asked, his brow furrowed.

My brow furrowed, unsure exactly why it felt like my job, but I had to be the one to do it. "I have to find Pan and Felix, of course." I took the time to tie the feather into my hair and, closing my eyes, I almost saw them in my head.

"You will need a bean." Hook stated plainly, his words triggering me to open my eyes. "And I'm sure if you say it's to save Pan, the mermaids will help find him."

I squinted at the captain. "The vicious man-eating mermaids?"

"Aye, those mermaids. Give me an hour for the bean." Hook reached to take back his flask before turning to my father. "Ben, you're on little lost lad duties, and Mr Starkey!"

"Aye captain!" came a voice from somewhere on deck.

"Take our little queen to mermaid cove, I'm sure a trade of meat would be enough for them."

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