☁Dating Squid includes☁

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•My boy be extra clingy when he's tired. Like trust, he will be all over you.

•Dating Squid means you'll be besties with ZigZag ofc.

•He doesn't trust anyone around you when he's not.

•Always sitting next to you in the mess hall, rec room, the 'therapy' sessions etc

•Calling you babe, doll, darling

•Carrying your shovel.

•He ties your laces because when he gets on one knee it makes him feel like y'all are already married ( so cute😭)

•Teasing you 24/7 but when someone else does it he gets mad.

•If another tent is bothering you he'll defo beat them up.

•Taking the blame if you did anything

•He opens up to you about his family and ofc you comfort him.

•Gets jealous if you spend too much time with someone else.

•Carries your shovel

•He waits for you after to finish digging your hole, even after you've told him to go back.

•Playing card games until your hands hurt.

•He'll teach you to play card games if you dont know how.

•Your parents love him.


Ik there's so much more here than there is on X-rays but I just like Squid better ok 😭

Word count: 203 words

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