The Zen Moment

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Okay, since no one commented no part 4 for you.

I actually really like this idea.

In this one this one they are 15-16 years old. 


Sophie reluctantly unrolled her yoga mat on the floor, casting a wary glance (aka side eye) at Keefe who was already stretching and warming up with eagerness. She couldn't quite understand his enthusiasm for yoga, but she was willing to give it a try for his sake.

"Come on, Sophie, loosen up!" Keefe called out, flashing her a bright smile as he effortlessly moved into a downward dog pose.

She sighed inwardly, feeling extremely self conscious as she attempted to mimic his fluid movements. Anyone who had known her for above 30 seconds knew that she wasn't the most flexible person.

Despite her best efforts, Sophie continued to struggle with the yoga poses. 

Her muscles protested with every stretch and twist, and she couldn't quite seem to find her balance in the more challenging poses.

Keefe, on the other hand, seemed to effortlessly glide from one pose to the next, his movements flowing and graceful. 

He tried to offer Sophie words of encouragement and gentle corrections, but no matter how hard she tried, Sophie just couldn't seem to get the hang of it.

"Okay, maybe this wasn't such a great idea," Sophie admitted with a sheepish smile as she stumbled out of a particularly wobbly warrior pose, nearly crashing into a nearby plant.

Keefe chuckled, reaching out to steady her. "Hey, it's all about practice, right? Rome wasn't built in a day."

"You," Sophie teased, " Did not just say that. For once did you actually read the book?"

Keefe smirked. 

"I am a man full of surprises, you know."

"More like a pig."

He whipped around to stare at a giggling Sophie, his eyes glittering with offence. 

"Well then I'm the most handsomest pig you'll ever see."

They shared a smile before continuing with their practice, Sophie determined to at least make it through the session without completely embarrassing herself.

Despite her struggles, Sophie found herself enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the room and the gentle rhythm of the calming music. 

And as she stole glances at Keefe, she couldn't help but admire his perseverance and grace, even in the face of her own clumsiness.

As they neared the end of their practice, Sophie couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. She may not have been a natural yogi, but she was proud of herself for sticking with it. Even if it was just to win the bet. 

Despite her best efforts, Sophie continued to struggle with the yoga poses. Her muscles protested with every stretch and twist, and she couldn't quite seem to find her balance in the more challenging poses.

When they finally rolled up their mats and headed for the kitchen, Sophie couldn't suppress the grin that spread across her face. She may have been absolutely terrible at yoga, but she was glad that she had given it a try.

As Sophie and Keefe stumbled into each other, their laughter ringing out through the room, time seemed to stand still for a moment. They froze in a tangled heap, mid-fall, their limbs intertwined in a comical jumble.

In that suspended moment, their laughter echoed off the walls, filling the room with a symphony of joy and warmth. 

The sunlight streaming through the windows cast a golden glow over the scene, illuminating their intertwined forms in a soft, ethereal light.

Sophie and Keefe's eyes met, sparkling with shared amusement and camaraderie, as if the world had paused just for them.

For a heartbeat, they lingered there, suspended in time, reveling in the simple joy of being alive and together.

In that fleeting instant, all their cares melted away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of connection.

Finally, with a shared chuckle, Keefe and Sophie untangled themselves and sat up, wiping tears of laughter from their eyes.

As they caught their breath and exchanged playful banter, a sudden rumble echoed through the room, breaking the moment of reverie.

"I guess all that yoga worked up an appetite," Keefe remarked with a grin.

Sophie nodded, a embarrassed blush tinting her cheeks. "I think it's time for some food, don't you?"

Without hesitation, they both jumped to their feet and made a beeline for the kitchen, their laughter echoing through the halls as they raced to see what tasty treats awaited them.


Very short chapter for you guys.

Don't worry the fun chapters are soon to come. 

Question of the Day: What time did all of your high schools start and finish?

My school starts at 8:40 am and goes until 3:05 pm. So yeah.

- KateRafeSophieKeefe

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