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Hi everyone,

So basically this is my first story. Hope ya'll like it. 

Bit about me. I'm a she/her. I live in Australia. I love to read (shocker).

I won't have an updating schedule because I definitely won't stick to it. lol.

Please don't be negative in the comments and I'm always up for constructive criticism.

- All characters belong to Shannon Messenger

Have fun reading. Have a good day!


As Sophie strolled through the meadow, her finger dancing amid the colourful flowers, she couldn't help but feel like she was in an episode of one of her cheesy romance series. 

Well maybe her life was starting to be one of those as well. 

The golden hues of the setting sun painted the sky with vibrant strokes, casting a magical glow on the obedient rows of bright plants. 

As Sophie surveyed her surroundings, she wondered what Keefe was up to. He has disappeared amid the behind the curtains of ivy as soon as they had arrived. 

She tried to pay him no mind, ignoring the butterflies gnawing on her stomach. She had felt that a lot lately, the thrashing of a dying insect inside her body. But only when she thought of her favourite pair of ice blue eyes.

Sophie surveyed the spirited sky once more as a pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind, crossing her wrists against her body. Terror coursed through her veins as she waited for the sign. 

A barrage of fragmented memories whipped through her mind as the figure spun her around. 

The sickeningly sweet smell of the sedatives.

The chafing on her wrists hidden behind the heavy rope,  binding her hands together.

The echoing laugh of her kidnapper as she screamed in agony once more. 

They couldn't be back. Could they?

She waited for the sign. Another 5 seconds and she would try and kick the living daylights out of the person behind her. Then the gentle brush of a finger formed a smiley face on the palm of her hand.

It was their signal. It always had been. 

She released the breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding as she swiftly turned around and punched Keefe's admittedly well shaped bicep.

His loud laughs echoed through the empty meadow as he clutched his stomach, doing all he could to not fall to the ground.

As he continued to chuckle, Sophie stared at the blonde boy.

His golden locks seemed to catch on the sunlight, giving his face an angelic aura. 

The intense hue of his ice blue eyes created a striking contrast against the warmth of his surrounding features, somehow making him even more handsome to look at. 

Keefe's fair face was dotted with tiny freckles. So small that you'd have to be very close to even see a glimpse of them. Which Sophie was.

Only then did she seem to realise that during her analysation, one of them had moved much closer to the other. The only problem was she couldn't tell who.

Sophie willed her cheeks to for once stay the same colour, but she could already feel the bright pink blush spreading like a wildfire on her cheeks. Her heart had also seemed to double its rate, almost as if it was trying to escape her chest. 

Keefe had also quietened down, his trademark smirk pulling at his lips.

"Your cute when you blush, Foster," he whispered,"You know that?"

Sophie felt a her lips form a smile, against her will. 

She felt the gentle exhale of Keefe's breath on her cheek as she stared up into his familiar eyes. 

Then suddenly, Sophie felt Keefe's hand come up to cradle a side of her face. 

Her breathing seemed to steady as his eyes flitted to her lips and back up again. 

Time slowed down as his lip drew closer and closer to hers.

Sophie could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks, almost sure that they could be bright enough to see from Mars.

Until his lips were centimetres from hers.

"Speechless, Foster?" Keefe teased in a breathless voice. 

No words formed in Sophie's mouth except for the sudden urge for their lips to meet.

She leaned in close, her mouth millimetres away from his.

She could do it, She would do it...


Sophie woke seconds before she kissed her best friend. 

Much like her dream, Sophie's cheeks were a bright red. 

Well it wasn't every day that you dreamed of kissing your closest companion.

She quickly got out of bed, frantically pacing the length of her room, ignoring the horrendous case of bed hair she knew she had. 

Her thoughts were racing at 1000 miles per hour and she was too, with the speed of her pacing.

"He's my best friend. He's my best friend, " Sophie continuously whispered under her breath as she walked to every wall of her room. 

She had recently felt those feelings every time she had hung out with Keefe. But she had squashed them done, hoping that if she ignored them then they would disappear.

But this dream was confirmation.

Sophie wanted more than just a friendship with Keefe.

She wanted love.

But why him? 

Why did she want Keefe as more?


And that's the first chapter done, folks!

It probably wasn't very good but I hope it'll get better.

If there are any spelling/grammar mistakes please comment them because I personally can't stand a fanfic with bad spelling. lol.

Question of the Day: If there was one book you could take to a desert island what would it be?

I think I'd take: 

- One of the Books of Beginning

- The Other Side of Tomorrow

- A KOTLC Book, probably Nightfall

Anyway, Thanks for reading.  Spread some kindness y'all. 

- KateRafeSophieKeefe

Love Story, A Sokeefe Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now