No Worries

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This next one is when they are 11-12ish. 

Also we're back with Sophie's P.O.V.


 Sophie began to walk down the cobblestone street as it started to rain.

Heavy raindrops cascaded from the gray sky as she hurried down the darkened path. 

The sound of the rain hitting the cobblestones echoed through the narrow alleyway, creating an ominous symphony.

Looming historic buildings stood stood tall against the stormy backdrop as Sophie swiftly searched for shelter. 

Umbrellas dotted the street, their vibrant colors providing a stark contrast to the gloomy weather. Sophie stared in jealousy at the dry figures before continuing to splash her way through the flooding streets.

 The scent of rain mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted from a nearby café, which was sadly rushing to close. 

Despite being soaked to the bone, there was a certain tranquility in this moment, as if time had paused and allowed Sophie to fully immerse herself in the ambiance of this old-fashioned street during the heavy downpour.

She finished her scan for an arid area before spotting a quaint little shop tucked into the corner of the street. 

Sophie quickened her pace to reach the warm glow the small building cast. 

As she opened a colourful front door, she realised that her refuge was indeed an ice cream parlor.

Her mouth dropped open at the happiness practically emanating from the room.

The walls were adorned with vibrant murals depicting scenes of children happily indulging in their favorite frozen treats.

The display case showcases an array of vibrant ice cream flavors, from classic vanilla to adventurous combinations like salted caramel pretzel.

The staff behind the counter eagerly stared at Sophie, oblivious to the horrendous weather outside. Ready to scoop generous servings of creamy goodness into a perfectly crafted cone or cup. (Can y'all tell Sophie loves ice-cream?)

Apart from the staff, the shop was empty. Except for a lone figure staring up at the garish boards flashing with different sugary delights. 

Sophie neared closer, deciding to for once indulge in her cravings. 

Just then a staff member magically appeared out of nowhere, cornering the person into conversation. 

Sophie couldn't hear any of their talk. Her legs itched to walk towards them and listen in. She forced herself to stay put, continuing to aimlessly stare at the large boards. 

A familiar, "No, I haven't decided what I'll be ordering yet," brought Sophie out of her quest for a delicious snack. 

She whipped around just in time to see the dramatic flip of the person's hoodie, revealing perfectly round ice-blue eyes and an amused smirk. 

" Foster!" Keefe exclaimed dramatically, "Didn't see you there."

Sophie sighed, "Hi Keefe. It's raining terribly outside and Grady and Edaline are on a date so I didn't want to interrupt them. I literally ran to the closest open building. Which is why I currently have more water on me that the Pacific Ocean."

"Whoa, that's rough." he said, "Guess you don't have to go the swimming pool anymore."

In classic Keefe style, he had disregarded the important point and focused on trying to make Sophie laugh. She was grateful that he was there to distract her from the problems looming above her head. 

They stood together, trying to decide which of the thousands of ice-creams to indulge in. 

"You know," Sophie said quietly, "Sometimes I wonder what ice-cream flavour my parents would have gotten if they could have come here with me. Maybe they would have teased me for getting 2 scoops before buying me 3. I really wish they could have taken me to places like this."

Keefe turned around and stared at Sophie directly in the eyes. She hated people looking into her boring brown eyes but with Keefe, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. 

"Sophie," Keefe breathed, " I know that you'll never be able to have family experiences with your real parents but Grady and Edaline are always there for you. You have really great parents, Sophie. They're 10x better than mine could ever be."

Sophie sniffled, "Thanks Keefe. You're the best. Are you ready to order?"

"Let's do it," he smiled. 

They walked up towards the counter, where the smiling staff stood unfazed of the deep conversation that their customers had had.  

"Hello. Could I please have bubblegum ice cream in a cup with mango sprinkles please?" Sophie asked, "Yes, that's all." (blue and yellow get it?)

She quickly paid for her dessert before stepping back to allow Keefe to order. 

"Yeah, and I'll get a cone of vanilla with crushed pretzels and a cherry on top. Thank you." (pretzels for her eyes and cherry for how good she looks in red)

Keefe placed a large wad of cash, including a generous tip, into the cashier's hands before hooking his elbow through Sophie's and dragging her to the table furthest away. 

"So, a cherry on top, huh?" Sophie asked, "I thought that was just a movie thing."

"Ugh," Keefe retorted, "If you aren't having a cherry on top of every food you'll ever eat, then you're missing out at life. 

They continued to joke around for a few minutes until their orders arrived. 

They both thanked the grinning (she wants them to kiss. so do i. she's the inner fangirl in all of us) staff before digging into their sugary delights. 

"Thank you for always making me laugh, Keefe," Sophie whispered into her cup, " I really appreciate it."

"No worries, Foster," Keefe said, leaning back against the cold metal chairs. 

"No worries at all."


And done. 

Skipping straight to the Question of the Day:

Would you rather have an unlimited supply of money or food?

 - I think money would be the best option.

It's lowkey embarrassing doing these when no one answers but whatever. 

Have a good day, y'all.

- KateRafeSophieKeefe 

Love Story, A Sokeefe Human AUWhere stories live. Discover now